Requesting Maintenance, Repairs, or Projects

The Facilities Group is prepared to meet your planning, design, engineering, construction, maintenance, and repair needs. The first step to resolving your request is submitting a work order by clicking the button below. Please provide us with a description of your request, location information, and a point of contact.  Our team will evaluate your request, follow up with any additional questions, and decide which of our departments is ideally suited to resolve your request.

submit work order requests

Requesting Access to the W. Alton Jones Campus

The Facilities Group manages access to the W. Alton Jones Campus in West Greenwich, RI. Access to the campus is currently limited to faculty, staff, students, researchers, and affiliates with a University Employee ID. Access is determined on a case-by-case basis for activities such as research and instruction. Click the button below to request access to the campus.

request access to W. Alton jones campus