Faculty Senate

2024 – 2025

Through RI General Law §16-32-10, academic responsibility at URI is delegated to the President and the Faculty Senate. With the President’s concurrence, the Faculty Senate has the authority to formulate policy concerning teaching and research, study, exercise, discipline, and government.

The Faculty Senate has oversight of the University Manual, which contains the rules and regulations that govern faculty and students. Additional oversight functions include curriculum approval, which provides for the establishment, abolition, and merger of programs, departments, courses, and curriculum, including general education.

To facilitate its charge, the Faculty Senate is composed of a six-member Executive Committee, six standing committees, and special committees as needed. Once elected to serve a three-year term, Senators are assigned to a Standing Committee based upon their interests. Senators may also serve on joint committees of the Faculty Senate and the President.

Annual Awards

The 2024 Service Award Winners were announced at the May 2, 2024 Faculty Senate meeting. Congratulations to Amanda Izenstark, winner of the Sheila Black Grubman Award, and to Lewis Rothstein, winner of the Fritz Wenisch Award! Please click on the awards below for more information and to make nominations.  Nominations for the 2025 Awards will be due March 15, 2025!

Since the Faculty Senate’s establishment in 1960 as the agent of the general faculty, elected Senators have served the Institution in matters of teaching, research, curriculum, academic standards and calendars, faculty status, and other systems as they affect the faculty as a whole. Senators value the opportunity to influence the practices and policies through shared governance with the President, University Leadership, and the Board of Trustees. They serve on standing, joint, and special committees as well as attend and participate fully in monthly Senate meetings. Faculty voices are essential to the success of an institution and necessary for academic freedom to flourish. Recognition of exemplary service to URI’s Faculty Senate through active and effective participation in the work of the Senate is made through resolutions, and annual and special awards. 

The Sheila Black Grubman Award is an annual award established in 2011 and is awarded jointly by the Faculty Senate and the Office of the Provost to a faculty member who has made important contributions to and dedicated significant time and energy to the Senate. The award includes a $1,000 cash prize.

The Fritz Wenisch Award for Exceptional Contributions to the Faculty Senate established in 2019 is awarded by the Faculty Senate annually to a Senator who demonstrates outstanding service.