Faculty Senate

Pastore Hall Room 224, 51 Lower College Road, Kingston, RI 02881

lbourbonnais@uri.edu-401-874-5176jlawrence@uri.edu - 401-874-2616

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Current Legislation

Bills approved during the 2023-2024 academic year will be listed here when available. If required by the nature of the proposal, “Notice by the University of Rhode Island Board of Trustees” indicates full approval of the bill. Any legislation not fully approved will be indicated as such by a notation of “pending.”

Legislation from the past four academic years is found on this page. Legislation from previous years is found in digital commons.


2023-2024 Legislation

Bill #23-24-1  Special Summer Curriculum Committee Reports, #2023-2024-1A and 2A, courses. Approved by the Faculty Senate Executive Committee on August 16, 2023.

Bill #23-24-1  Graduate Council Report, #2023-2024-1A, courses. Approved by the Faculty Senate Executive Committee on August 16, 2023.

Bill #23-24-2  Special Summer Curriculum Committee Reports, #2023-2024-1B and 2B, program changes. Approved by President Parlange on August 28, 2023.

Bill #23-24-2  Graduate Council Report, #2023-2024-1B, program changes and one new graduate certificate (Ocean Science). Approved by President Parlange on August 28, 2023.

Bill #23-24-3  Special Summer Curriculum Committee Reports, #2023-2024-3A and 4A, courses. Approved by the Faculty Senate on September 21, 2023.

Bill #23-24-3  Graduate Council Reports, #2023-2024-2A, 3A, and 4A, courses. Approved by the Faculty Senate on September 21, 2023.

Bill #23-24-3  General Education Committee Report #2023-2024-1A, courses. Approved by the Faculty Senate on September 21, 2023.

Bill #23-24-4  Constitution, By-Law’s, and University Manual Committee Report #2023-2024-1. Approved by President Parlange on October 3, 2023.

Bill #23-24-5  Curriculum and Standards Committee Report 2023-2024-1A, courses. Approved by the Faculty Senate on October 19, 2023.

Bill #23-24-5  General Education Committee Report 2023-2024-2A, courses. Approved by the Faculty Senate on October 19, 2023.

Bill #23-24-5  Graduate Council Report 2023-2024-5A, courses. Approved by the Faculty Senate on October 19, 2023.

Bill #23-24-6 Curriculum and Standards Committee Report 2023-2024-1B, program changes and new minors.  Approved by President Parlange on November 2, 2023. 

Bill #23-24-6  Graduate Council Report 2023-2024-5B, program changes.  Approved by President Parlange on November 2, 2023. 

Bill #23-24-7  Constitution, By-Law’s, and University Manual Committee Reports #2023-2024-2 and #2023-2024-6, amending Chapter 8 of the University Manual, Academic Regulations. Approved by President Parlange on November 2, 2023. 

Bill #23-24-8  Constitution, By-Laws and University Manual Report #2023-2024-3, amending Chapter 5 of the University Manual, University Committees. Approved by President Parlange on November 8, 2023.

Bill #23-24-9  Constitution, By-Laws and University Manual Report #2023-2024-4, amending Chapter 9 of the University Manual, Student Activities. Approved by President Parlange on November 2, 2023.

Bill #23-24-10 Constitution, By-Laws and University Manual Report #2023-2024-5, amending Chapter 3 of the University Manual. Approved by President Parlange on November 2, 2023.

Bill #23-24-11  General Education Committee Report 2023-2024-3A, courses. Approved by the Faculty Senate on November 16, 2023.

Bill #23-24-11  Curriculum and Standards Committee Report 2023-2024-3A, courses. Approved by the Faculty Senate on November 16, 2023.

Bill #23-24-11  Graduate Council Report 2023-2024-6A, courses. Approved by the Faculty Senate on November 16, 2023.

Bill #23-24-12  Curriculum and Standards Committee Report 2023-2024-3B, program changes and new Global Education Minor. Approved by the Faculty Senate on November 16, 2023. Approved by President Parlange on December 8, 2023

Bill #23-24-12  Graduate Council Reports 2023-2024-6B and 6C, program changes and new Certificates. Approved by the Faculty Senate on November 16, 2023. Approved by President Parlange on December 8, 2023

Bill #23-24-13  Curriculum and Standards Committee Report 2023-2024-04A, courses. Approved by the Faculty Senate on December 7, 2023.

Bill #23-24-13  General Education Committee Report 2023-2024-04A, courses. Approved by the Faculty Senate on December 7, 2023.

Bill #23-24-14 Constitution, By-Laws and University Manual Committee Reports 2023-2024-07 and 2023-2024-08, amendments to Chapter 8 of the University Manual. Approved by President Parlange on January 3, 2024.

Bill #23-24-14 Graduate Council Report 2023-2024-07, program (Environmental and Natural Resources Economics ABM). Approved by President Parlange on January 3, 2024.

Bill #23-24-14 Curriculum and Standards Committee Report 2023-2024-4B, organizational change (creates Department of Journalism and Public Relations). Approved by President Parlange on January 3, 2024. 

Bill #23-24-15 Curriculum and Standards Committee Report 2023-2024-05A, courses. Approved by the Faculty Senate on January 25, 2024.

Bill #23-24-15 Graduate Council Report 2023-2024-8A, courses. Approved by the Faculty Senate on January 25, 2024. 

Bill #23-24-16 Curriculum and Standards Committee Report 5B, program changes and New Minor in Queer and Transgender Studies and a departmental name change from Health Studies to Public Health. Approved by President Parlange on 1/29/24. 

Bill #23-24-16 Graduate Council Report 2023-2024-08B, program changes and New UI Design Certificate and new ABM Specialization for Chemical Engineering. Approved by President Parlange on January 29, 2024.

Bill #23-24-16 Academic Calendar Committee Report 2023-2024-01, establishing the calendar for AY 2029-2030. Approved by President Parlange on January 29, 2024.

Bill #23-24-17 Curriculum and Standards Committee Report 2023-2024-6A, courses. Approved by the Faculty Senate on February 22, 2024.

Bill #23-24-17 General Education Committee Report 2023-2024-06, courses. Approved by the Faculty Senate on February 22, 2024.

Bill #23-24-17 Graduate Council Report 2023-2024-09A, courses. Approved by the Faculty Senate on February 22, 2024.

Bill #23-24-18 Curriculum and Standards Committee Report 2023-2024-6B, program modifications and new undergraduate certificate (Early Intervention). Approved by President Parlange on March 6, 2024.

Bill #23-24-18 Constitution, By-Laws and University Manual Report 2023-2024-17, amending Chapter 5 (University Committees, eliminates JCAP) of the University Manual. Approved by President Parlange on March 6, 2024.

Bill #23-24-18 Teaching, Advising and Assessment Committee Report 2023-2024-01 (rescinds the Exam Proctoring Policy for Online Courses). Approved by President Parlange on March 6, 2024.

Bill #23-24-19 Curriculum and Standards Committee Report 2023-2024-7A, courses. Approved by the Faculty Senate on March 28, 2024.

Bill #23-24-19 General Education Committee Report 2023-2024-07A, courses. Approved by the Faculty Senate on March 28, 2024.

Bill #23-24-19 Graduate Council Report 2023-2024-10A, courses. Approved by the Faculty Senate on March 28, 2024.

Bill #23-24-20 Curriculum and Standards Committee Report 2023-2024-7B, program modifications and new undergraduate certificate (Nuclear Engineering). Approved by President Parlange on April 9, 2024.

Bill #23-24-20 Curriculum and Standards Committee Report 2023-2024-7C, organizational change: reduces the required number of upper division credits for BA degrees in the College of Arts and Sciences. Approved by President Parlange on April 9, 2024. 

Bill #23-24-20 Graduate Council Report 2023-2024-09B, program changes and New Graduate Certificate in Cell and Molecular Biology. Approved by President Parlange on April 9, 2024.

Bill #23-24-20 Graduate Council Report 2023-2024-10B, New Special Education ABM and new Certificates in Future Autonomous Systems, Nuclear Engineering and Wearable and Neuro-Technologies. Approved by President Parlange on April 9, 2024.

Bill #23-24-20 Graduate Council Report 2023-2024-10C, New MA in UX/UI Design. Approved by the URI Board of Trustees on April 26, 2024.

Bill #23-24-20 Academic Calendar Committee, Summer Sessions 2027 Academic Calendar. Approved by President Parlange on April 9, 2024.

Bill #23-24-21 Curriculum and Standards Committee Report 2023-2024-8A, courses. Approved by the Faculty Senate on April 18, 2024.

Bill #23-24-21 General Education Committee Report 2023-2024-08, courses. Approved by the Faculty Senate on April 18, 2024.

Bill #23-24- 21 Graduate Council Report 2023-2024-11A, courses. Approved by the Faculty Senate on April 18, 2024.

Bill #23-24-21 Constitution, By-Laws and University Manual Reports 2023-2024-11, 12, and 13, editorial revisions to Appendix C of the University Manual addressing invisible duties of Committee Chairs. Approved by the Faculty Senate on April 18, 2024

Bill #23-24-21 Committee on Research and Creative Activities – By-Laws Amendment Report, modifies Sections 4.40 through 4.46 of Appendix C of the University Manual.

Bill #23-24-22 Curriculum and Standards Committee Report 2023-2024-8B, program modifications. Approved by President Parlange on May 2, 2024.

Bill #23-24-22 Graduate Council Report 2023-2024-11B, program changes, transcript endorsement (special education), and new Graduate Certificates in Industry 4.0 and Econometrics and Data Analysis. Approved by President Parlange on May 2, 2024.

Bill #23-24-22 Graduate Council Report 2023-2024-11C, new Master of Science in Mental and Behavioral Health Counseling. Approved by President Parlange on May 2, 2024. Approved by the URI Board of Trustees 6/28/24.

Bill #23-24-22 Constitution, By-Laws and University Manual Reports 2023-2024-18 (Chapter 8 of the University Manual amendments related to dissolving JCAP) and 2023-2024-20 (Chapter 8 of the University Manual amendments related to academic calendar guidelines). Approved by President Parlange on May 2, 2024.

Bill #23-24-23 Graduate Council Report 2023-2024-12A, courses. Approved by the Faculty Senate on May 2, 2024.

Bill #23-24-23 Faculty Senate Executive Committee Report 2023-2024-03, creates a Special Budget and Administration Committee, Approved by the Faculty Senate on May 2, 2024.

Bill #23-24-23 Faculty Senate Executive Committee Report 2023-2024-04, creates a Special Advisory Committee on General Education Program Evaluation. Approved by the Faculty Senate on May 2, 2024.

Bill #23-24-24 Graduate Council Report 12B, new ABM’s in Accounting, Public Administration, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Systems Engineering, and new Graduate Certificate in Ocean Policy and Science. Approved by President Parlange on May 14, 2024.

 Informational Faculty Senate Reports (IFSR’s)

IFSR #23-24-1  Curriculum and Standards Committee Report #2023-2024-2, clarifying specializations in previously approved program of study. Accepted by the Faculty Senate on 10/19/23.

IFSR #23-24-2  Academic Calendar Committee Report #2023-2024-1, editorial change to indicate December commencement dates. Accepted by the Faculty Senate on 10/19/23.

IFSR #23-24-3  Faculty Senate Executive Committee Report #2023-2024-1, editorial change to Appendix G of the University Manual. Accepted by the Faculty Senate on 10/19/23.

IFSR #23-24-4 Constitution, By-Laws and University Manual Committee Reports #2023-2024-15 and #2023-2024-16. (Administrative Reports amending Chapter 5 of the University Manual). Accepted by the Faculty Senate on February 22, 2024. 


Resolution #23-24-01 Resolution honoring FRANCA CIRELLI upon her retirement. Signed by President Parlange on 11/27/23.

Resolution #23-24-02 Resolution honoring the University Ombuds, Alfred Killilea and Gerry Tyler upon their retirement.

Resolution #23-24-03 Resolution honoring outgoing Faculty Senate President Dr. Bahram Nassersharif. 

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