Faculty Senate

Pastore Hall Room 224, 51 Lower College Road, Kingston, RI 02881

lbourbonnais@uri.edu-401-874-5176jlawrence@uri.edu - 401-874-2616

Think Big, We Do.
Rhode Island Seal

Academic Calendar Committee

Academic Calendar Committee (Faculty Senate By-Laws 4.28

The Academic Calendar Committee responsibilities include studying the University calendars and making recommendations for modifying them, consider calendar matters referred by the Senate or the Executive Committee and study desirable changes in the University Calendar. 

The Committee meets at least once a month and prepares and presents an annual report to the Faculty Senate in March of each year, including a review of current initiatives, policies, and practices as well as recommendations for future improvements.

The procedures for establishing the academic calendar are found in Chapter 8 of the University Manual (#8.70.10-75) Each fall ACC reviews the six-year calendar from enrollment services and must present it to the Faculty Senate by December 1 for approval. The Office of Online Education in consultation with enrollment services, submits a two-year calendar for URI Online for ACC review: ACC must present for approval by April 1 of the preceding year the online Calendar is to become effective.

Proposals for revision to the Calendar may not be made on the Senate floor and must be sent back to ACC for review. Changes to an approved Calendar may only be considered 18 months prior to the beginning of the semester.




The Committee presented the academic calendar for AY 2029-2030 at the January 25, 2024 Faculty Senate Meeting as required. The Calendar was approved as Bill #23-24-16. 

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