Faculty Senate

Pastore Hall Room 224, 51 Lower College Road, Kingston, RI 02881

lbourbonnais@uri.edu-401-874-5176jlawrence@uri.edu - 401-874-2616

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propose a course: kuali curriculum management


What is Kuali Curriculum Management?

Kuali Curriculum Management helps institutions build and maintain a permanent, canonical record of all versions of its programs, courses, and other types of learning experiences (e.g. service-learning projects, apprenticeships, competency-based learning, and prior learning assessments).  Kuali is now the only way to propose new courses at URI.  


About this page

This page is designed for users to learn how to propose a new course using the Kuali Curriculum Management System. The three videos on this page guide users to propose a new course, help with general education courses, and prerequisites and corequisites rules.  For those who prefer a written guide please select How to Propose a new course using Kuali Curriculum Management at URI for a PDF guide. 

If you need assistance beyond what is available on this page please contact the Faculty Senate office at –> uri_curriculum@etal.uri.edu


How do I find Kuali Curriculum Management at URI?

Kuali is part of URI’s Office365 and uses single sign-on. Start by navigating to office.com and select or search for the Kuali app.  Select the Kuali Course Management app to open the Kuali platform in a new tab. 


How to Propose a New Course




Course Information

Modality: Only one modality may be proposed per form.

Course Description: Course descriptions are written for students, not faculty, and must communicate clearly and concisely to them. Jargon, acronyms, and technical language should be avoided as much as possible. Anyone should be able to read the description and understand the nature and intent of the course. An acceptable course description with a maximum of 30 words, begins with a verb, e.g. examines, introduces, explores, investigates. Articles, adjectives, and adverbs are seldom necessary. Sentence fragments are acceptable.


General Education




Scheduling Information

Credits: The basis of credit shall normally be three hours of work: 1 credit for each lecture or recitation and two hours of preparation; 1 credit for each two-hour laboratory and one hour of preparation; or 1 credit for each three-hour laboratory with no outside preparation. The student workload for an online class shall be equivalent to the in-class and out-of-class work in its face-to-face equivalent. Online courses require the equivalent of 45 hours of student effort per credit. For more information about credits see the FS Curriculum page

Primary Method of Instruction: Please select only one primary method of instruction; all additional methods of instruction should be noted in the secondary method of instruction table below.

Secondary Method of Instruction: Additional methods of instruction are captured in this table

See the Faculty Senate website for the method of instruction definitions.

Contact Hours: Equivalent to the number of 50-minute class meetings per week


Prerequisites and Corequisites

To add prerequisites, select the “Use Rule Categories” box, then use the logic dropdown boxes to add a course(s) or other requirements needed for the proposed class. 

Other prerequisites can be added to the text box. Example: Permission by Instructor.


prerequisites and corequisites rules




Rational and Effect

Explain the purposed of the course:  Not all reviewers of this proposal will be familiar with your curriculum; be clear and concise. Consider curriculum changes, including reasons for adding this new course to existing programs, changes to discipline, addressing gaps in department or college, and/or enhancements to existing programs. Include any connections to Strategy 1 in the Agenda for Change

If the course is required for a NEW program of certificate: Then, an updated curriculum worksheet is required to identify the course distribution for the program. The curriculum worksheet can be attached by selecting the “ADD FILE” button.

Explain how this course may be similar to or may overlap with any course offered at URI: The originating department/college is responsible for considering all potential impacts of the proposed new course and is responsible for consulting with other departments and colleges about these impacts. Proposers should perform a course catalog search using keywords to identify possible overlap.

Overlap Statement:

Option 1: Send an email with syllabus to the department chair, director, or associate dean for review and provide a statement from them. The statement will then need to be converted to a PDF and added to the “Overlap Statement”.

Option 2: Type the name, title, and email of the person who can provide the overlap statement and an email will be sent to them requesting a statement once the course has been submitted.


Syllabus Library Impact Statement

A course-ready syllabus is required. 

Staffing plans should be added to the text box including qualified online instructors when proposing an online course.

Library Impact Statement:

Option 1: Find the librarian subject selector for your domain at the University Libraries Subject Selectors website. Add the name of this person in the Library Subject Selector Name text box. An email will be sent to the librarian after you submit the proposal, and they will add the impact statement on your behalf.

Option 2: If you have completed the library impact statement request form from the university library website, and the subject selector has already sent you the statement, then you can add the statement using the Library Impact Statement Document ADD FILE button. 


Review and Submit

  1. Review all sections


  1. Select “Leave Edit Mode” on the top right part of the screen



  1. Review again.


  1. Select “Submit for Approval” on the top right part of the screen


  1. Back on the dashboard, you will find the course and the workflow step it is currently on. The workflow step as the course progresses through the review process



If you need assistance beyond what is available on this page please contact the Faculty Senate office at –> uri_curriculum@etal.uri.edu

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