Faculty Senate

Pastore Hall Room 224, 51 Lower College Road, Kingston, RI 02881

lbourbonnais@uri.edu-401-874-5176jlawrence@uri.edu - 401-874-2616

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The Sheila Black Grubman Faculty Outstanding Service Award


Amanda Izenstark, Professor, Reference & Instructional Design Librarian, is the 2024 Winner of the Sheila Black Grubman Award! Congratulations Amanda!

Professor, Reference & Instructional Design Librarian is the winner of the 2024 Grubman Award!


In 2011, the Faculty Senate and The Office of the Provost instituted a joint award for Faculty Outstanding Service. In 2013, the award was renamed the Sheila Black Grubman Faculty Outstanding Service Award in honor of Sheila Grubman’s 40 years of service to the University as the Faculty Senate Coordinator.


Sheila Black Grubman

The award is made to a member of the URI Faculty who has consistently dedicated time, thought, and energy and has made important contributions serving on the Faculty Senate, committees, task forces, working groups, and/or through other activities that promote the interests of the University and University community as a whole. 

Faculty and staff are invited to nominate faculty who exemplify service to the university.

Who is eligible? Full-time faculty members, who have held their position for at least three years, who are not currently members of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee (FSEC), and have not served on the FSEC for at least two years prior to the current year.

Submission Information: To submit a nomination, please complete the nomination form or send a letter or email to the Faculty Senate (facsen@etal.uri.edu) by April 1, 2024. For additional information, visit the Award Criteria page.                                                                                                                                                                        

What does the award recipient receive? The recipient of the award will be honored at the organizational (April/May) meeting of the Faculty Senate and will receive an Outstanding Service plaque and a financial award of $2000.   

Current and Former Faculty Outstanding Service Award Recipients

2023 Linda Welters, Professor, Textiles, Fashion Merchandising, and Design, College of Business

2022 Lynne Derbyshire, Director, Honors Program

2021 Michael Rice, Department of Fisheries, Animal and Veterinary Sciences, College of Environment and Life Sciences

2020 Arthur C. Mead, Economics Department, College of Arts & Sciences

2019 G. Faye Boudreaux-Bartels, College of Engineering

2018 Fritz Wenisch, Philosophy

2017 Ruby Roy Dholakia, College of Business Administration

2016 Marilyn Barbour, Pharmacy Practice

2015 Catherine English, Nutrition and Food Science

2014 Michael W. Honhart, History

2013 Mary MacDonald, University Libraries

2012 Walter von Reinhart, Languages

2011 Sandy Jean Hicks, School of Education


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