Justine Deming

  • Clinical Associate Teaching Professor
  • Animal/Veterinary Science
  • Email: justine_deming@uri.edu
  • Office Location: Woodward Hall, Rm 127


Dr. Deming grew up in Mystic, CT where her love of animals began and quickly grew with her participation in 4-H. This growing interest was further developed at the University of New Hampshire studying animal science. While the original plan was to focus on lab animal research, a field trip to the university’s organic dairy farm during an elective quickly re-directed her path completely towards livestock and dairy science. Picking up work at the dairy farm and assisting as an undergraduate research assistant on graduate projects led her to a research-based internship where the desire to pursue a master’s in animal behavior and welfare with a focus on dairy cattle in Canada.

Following the master’s, Dr. Deming found work in academia as a dairy science faculty member in central New York where she discovered her passion for teaching. With the long-term desire to teach in New England, she decided to return to research to pursue a Ph.D. Her studies focused on farm labor efficiency and management in the grass-based systems of Ireland at the time of European milk quota abolition. Dr. Deming now holds a teaching and extension/outreach position focusing on livestock management and pasture-based systems.


  • Ph.D., Agriculture, University College Dublin, Ireland, 2018
  • M.Sc., Animal Behavior and Welfare, University of Guelph, Canada, 2012
  • B.S., Animal Science, University of New Hampshire, 2009

Selected Publications

Deming, J., A. Macken-Walsh, B. O’Brien, and J. Kinsella. 2020. ‘Good’ farm management employment: Emerging values in the contemporary Irish dairy sector. Land Use Policy. 92: 104466.

Deming, J., J. Kinsella, B. O’Brien, and L. Shalloo. 2019. An examination of the effects of labor efficiency on the profitability of grass-based, seasonal-calving dairy farms. J. Dairy Sci. 102:8431-8440.

Deming, J. A., A. Macken-Walsh, B. O’Brien, and J. Kinsella. 2019. Entering the occupational category of ‘Farmer’: new pathways through professional agricultural education in Ireland. J. of Ag. Extension and Education. 25:63-78.

Deming, J. A., D. Gleeson, T. O’Dwyer, J. Kinsella, and B. O’Brien. 2018. Measuring labor input on pasture-based dairy farms using a smartphone. J. Dairy Sci. 101(10): 9527-9543.

Deming, J., D. Gleeson, T. O’Dwyer, J. Kinsella, and B. O’Brien. 2017. Benchmarking labour input on Irish dairy farms with use of a smartphone app. Chemical Engineering Transactions. 58:133-138.

Deming, J. A., R. Bergeron, K. E. Leslie, and T. J. DeVries. 2013. Associations of housing, management, milking activity, and standing and lying behavior of dairy cows milked in automatic systems. J. Dairy Sci. 96:344-351.

Deming, J. A., R. Bergeron, K. E. Leslie, and T. J. DeVries. 2013. Associations of cow-level factors, frequency of feed delivery, and standing and lying behavior of dairy cows milked in automatic system. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 93: 427-433.

DeVries, T.J., J.A. Deming, J. Rodenburg, G. Seguin, K.E. Leslie, H.W. Barkema. 2011. Association of standing and lying behavior patterns and incidence of intramammary infection in dairy cows milked with an automatic milking system. J. Dairy Sci. 94: 3845-3855.

Erickson, P.S., S.P Marston, M. Gemmel, J.A. Deming, R.G. Cabral, M.R. Murphy, J.I. Marden. 2012. Short Communication: Kelp taste preferences by dairy calves. J. Dairy Sci. 95:856-858.