Ralph Bunche Summer Institute (RBSI)

Named in honor of the 1950 Nobel Peace Prize winner, former APSA President, and the first African American to receive a PhD in political science, Dr. Ralph J. Bunche, the Ralph Bunche Summer Institute (RBSI) encourages students to pursue academic careers in political science. The RBSI does this by: Enhancing writing, research, and analytical skills to increase competitiveness in the application and financial aid process for graduate school; Developing statistical skills for data analysis used in political science; Exposing participants to the significant questions in the discipline and profession of political science; Introducing participants to leading political scientists; and Educating participants about political science career opportunities and encouraging their application to doctoral programs in political science

Deadline Month: January
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NOAA Dr. Nacy Foster Scholarship Program

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Program provides support for master’s and doctoral degrees in oceanography, marine biology, or maritime archaeologyÐthis can include, but is not limited to, ocean and/or coastal: engineering, social science, marine education, marine stewardship, and resource management disciplinesÐand particularly encourages women and members of minority groups to apply.

Deadline Month: December
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