Graduate Certificate in Gerontology and Geriatrics
The Graduate Certificate provides an important academic step beyond continuing education for professionals who already possess a bachelor’s or advanced degree and can lead to further graduate training in a health or human service discipline at URI. The program is interdisciplinary, with faculty from eight different URI departments and colleges participating in offering courses and mentoring students: Gerontology, Human Development and Family Studies, Communicative Disorders, Nursing, Nutrition and Food Sciences, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, and Kinesiology.
Required Foundation Courses
Human Development and Family Studies
HDF 513 Seminar in Older Adulthood
HDF 540 Interprofessional Teamwork in Health and Human Services
Suggested Course Options
Human Development and Family Studies
HDF 431 Family and the Elderly
HDF 440 Environmental Context of Aging
HDF 597/98 Advanced Study
Communicative Disorders
CMD 598 Special Problems
NUR 555 Advanced Gerontological Nursing I
NUR 556 Practicum in Advanced Gerontological Nursing I
NUR 557 Advanced Gerontological Nursing II
NUR 558 Practicum in Advanced Gerontological Nursing II
Nutrition and Food Science
NFS 506 Nutrition in the Community
NFS 591/92 Special Problems
PHP 440 Pharmaceutical Care for Special Populations
PHP 542 Evaluation of Controversies in Drug Literature
PHP 593 Advanced Elective Experiential Rotation in Geriatrics
Physical Therapy
PHT 513 Directed Study
PHT 580 Pediatric and Geriatric Physical Therapy
KIN 564 Physiology of Aging
KIN 591 Special Problems