On-Site Information

In case of emergency, call the 24-hour University emergency number: 401.874.2121, otherwise, call the Office of International Education: 401.874.2395.

During the educational travel program, all program directors must:

Communicate with OIE

  • Notify OIE promptly of any concerns, inappropriate student behavior or emergencies, and document in writing the steps taken to respond.
  • Notify OIE of any unexpected itinerary changes.
  • Upon arrival in country, notify OIE that all participants have arrived safely; halfway through the program, check-in to apprise them of status.
  • Keep apprised of local news and events.
  • In the event of any adverse event (natural disaster, terror attack) that does or does not directly affect the group, but could generate international media coverage, e-mail and/or call the OIE, to inform them of participants’ status.
  • Submit an incident report if an event occurs resulting in significant injury or crime, or if instructed by the director of OIE (Appendix C).

Student Behavior

  • Be alert to participant fatigue, digestive ailments, dehydration, culture shock, jet lag, and symptoms of other illnesses; procure appropriate medical attention when necessary.
  • Note any risky student behavior, and discuss with student as appropriate, noting potential consequences; document conversations.

Safety Preparedness

  • Designate a meeting place- and a backup meeting place if the first is inaccessible- in the event of a large-scale emergency. A written address, phone number and directions should be in the local language as well as in English.
  • Address what a participant should do if he/she has separated from the group.
  • Have the local emergency phone numbers and nearest US consulate information.
  • Design evacuation plans for each location visited.
  • Carry a roster that includes the following for every participant: Participant name, passport number, emergency contact name and phone number, birth date, participant health insurance information, health and allergy information, and medications.
  • Carry the CISI cards at all times.
  • Have a first aid kit on hand.
  • Know the location of the nearest immediate emergency medical service and the phone numbers for emergency medical service and police at each stop in the trip itinerary

Cultural Awareness

Upon arrival in country, and in each new location that presents potentially different safety concerns, hold a group meeting to:

  • Review country- or region-specific health, safety, and security concerns.
  • Review general safety measures from pre-departure orientation.
  • Review medical and counseling sites.
  • Review students’ responsibilities regarding their own personal safety and health.
  • Review important cross-cultural issues that may impact health, safety, or security.
  • Upon arrival in country, encourage students to contact their parents or other family members to let them know they’ve arrived.

Common Responses for All Emergencies

Program Directors should have a copy of each student’s passport, CISI card, and emergency contact information on them at all times. The Office of International Education will also have copies of these items on file.

Step 1:  Assess and ensure, to the greatest extent possible, that the student or students are alright both physically and emotionally.
Step 2: Immediately inform other participants not to call, text, email, Facebook, tweet, or communicate via any other social media, to friends or family until any affected student’s parents/guardians have been notified of the emergency situation by a designated representative from the University of Rhode Island.
Step 3: Contact the local authorities and/or CISI (when appropriate).
Step 4: Determine the urgency of the situation, and keep a log of what has happened, including the response measures taken (who, what, when, where, why, and how).
Step 5: Notify the University of Rhode Island immediately:
24-Hour University Emergency Number: 401.874.2121
Office of International Education Phone Number: 401.874.2395
When contacting the University of Rhode Island, program directors must be prepared to provide the following information:

  • Name of the student
  • Details of the emergency
  • Current location and Program Director’s updated contact information
  • Name and contact information for a second local person