Journalism B.A.
Course Descriptions
Introduction to Mass Media
(3 crs.) Surveys newspapers, magazines, radio, movies, television, advertising, and emerging technologies. Examines economic and news functions of each. Considers First Amendment, legal and ethical problems, restrictions, and social consequences of media. (Lec. 3) Recommended for nonmajors. Not for major credit in journalism. (A3) (C1)
Honors Section of JOR 110: Introduction to Mass Media
(3 crs.) Honors Section of JOR 110: Introduction to Mass Media. (Lec. 3) Pre: overall GPA of 3.40 or better. (A3) (C1)
Foundations of American Journalism
(3 crs.) Introduction to basic theories and principles of American journalism, and some of the major issues journalists confront. Examines news media audiences, effects, freedom, and responsibility. (Lec. 3) For journalism majors only.
History of American Journalism
(3 crs.) Development of American newspapers, magazines, and broadcast industry with analysis of the ideas that have changed American journalism. Exploration of the journalist's experience at periods in American history; the effects of economic and social changes on the press. (Lec. 3) Pre: JOR 110 or 115 or permission of instructor. In alternate years.
History of Broadcasting
(3 crs.) Survey of broadcasting. Examines its pioneers and the impact of significant historical events as covered by radio and television. Considers the origins of modern news shows, talk-show formats, magazine broadcasts, and quiz shows. (Lec. 3) Pre: JOR 110 or 115. In alternate years.
Free Speech And American Society
(3 crs.) Legal and social parameters of freedom of speech in the United States. The legal and social history of freedom of speech will be examined and applied to discussions of recent free-speech controversies. (Lec. 3) Pre: JOR 110 or 115.
Media Writing
(3 crs.) An introduction to writing for newspapers, magazines, broadcasting, and public relations. Includes consideration of objectivity, information gathering, language use, clarity and style, legal and ethical concerns. (Lec. 2, Lab. 2) Pre: WRT course with a grade of B or better and major in journalism or sports media and communication, or permission of instructor.
Multimedia Reporting
(3 crs.) Introduces students to reporting and writing stories for listeners and viewers as well as readers, including gathering and using sound, video and still pictures. Frequent out-of-class assignments. (Lec. 2, Lab. 2) Pre: journalism majors only; JOR 220 with grade of C or better. Not open to students with credit in 230.
News Media Law and Ethics
(3 crs.) Examines role of the law in news media, including freedom of the press, journalists' privileges and responsibilities, libel, privacy and others. Explores philosophical basis for ethical decision making in journalism. (Lec. 3) Pre: junior standing and 110 and one 300-level journalism skills course or permission of instructor.
Journalism Criticism
(3 crs.) Examines news media performance in the United States by studying the works of media critics, both historical and contemporary. Practice in media monitoring and writing media criticism. (Lec. 3) Pre: JOR 110 or 115 or permission of instructor.
Alternative News Media in the United States
(3 crs.) Critical analysis of nontraditional media in the United States, including black, religious, feminist, gay and lesbian press, as well as broadcast stations operated by and for minority groups. (Lec. 3) Pre: JOR 110 or 115. In alternate years.
Public Affairs Reporting And Writing
(3 crs.) Practice in gathering and writing news of public affairs, including local and state government, courts, law enforcement. Introduces public records, alternatives to straight news story, interviewing techniques, rewriting. Frequent out-of-class and off-campus assignments. (Lec. 2, Lab. 2) Pre: JOR 220 with a grade of C or better and major in journalism or public relations, or permission of instructor.
Magazine Article and Feature Writing
(3 crs.) Planning, researching, and writing articles and feature stories for magazines and newspapers. Discussion of markets, freelance and job opportunities. Articles written and submitted to publications. (Seminar) Pre: junior standing and JOR 220 with a grade of C or better, and major in journalism or public relations, or permission of instructor.
Sports Writing
(3 crs.) Examination and analysis of classic American sports writing. Course includes study and production of various types of sports reports and features including profiles and topical stories. (Lec. 2 Studio 1) Pre: JOR 220 or 320 or 321 or 341 or permission of department chair.
Television News
(3 crs.) Reporting, writing, anchoring and producing news for television. Group work leads to production of a half-hour studio newscast. Frequent out-of-class and off-campus assignments. (Lec. 2, Lab. 2) Pre: JOR 221 or 230 with a grade of C or better.
Electronic News Gathering
(3 crs.) Skill development in the visual technology of television news. Techniques of single-camera field production are stressed. Introduction to fundamentals of video tape editing; practice in ENG photography and editing. Frequent out-of-class and off-campus assignments. (Lec. 2, Lab. 2) Pre: JOR 330 with a grade of C or better.
Public Relations Strategies
(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (PRS), JOR 340. Principles and procedures in public relations: emphasis on role of the public relations practitioner as a specialist in communication; analysis of publications produced as a part of public relations. (Lec. 3/Online) Pre: PRS 100 and declared PR majors or PR minors.
Editing For Publication
(3 crs.) Cross-list as (JOR), PRS 341. An introduction to editing for the print media, including newspapers, magazines, and public relations. Focuses on taking work written by others and preparing it for publication. Includes consideration of legal and ethical issues. (Lec. 2, Lab. 2) Pre: junior standing and JOR 220 or WRT 331/PRS 331, and major in journalism or public relations, or permission of instructor.
Ethics in Journalism
(3 crs.) Critical analysis of current issues affecting journalists and society in general, based on readings, videotapes, case studies, and discussion. Emphasis on ethics and decision making. (Lec. 3) Pre: JOR 110 or 115 and senior standing or permission of instructor. Not for graduate credit.
Senior Portfolio
(1 cr.) Structured opportunity to select, review and reflect on examples of work for a portfolio. Formal presentations of portfolio to faculty required. (Portfolio) Pre: journalism major and senior standing and concurrent enrollment in JOR 410. Not for graduate credit.
Perspectives On Reporting
(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (JOR), WRT 415. Critical assessment of reporting through the reading and analysis of book-length works of journalism and magazine and newspaper series of articles. (Seminar) Pre: JOR 110 or 115 and junior standing. Not for graduate credit.
Working in the Newsroom
(3 crs.) Planning and producing complex news stories for print and multimedia. Emphasizes idea development, information gathering, interview techniques, print and visual reporting techniques. (Lec. 3, Studio 1) Pre: Junior standing and either JOR 320, 330, or 331. Not for graduate credit. (D1)
Advanced Television News
(3 crs.) Practical experience in longer, more specialized news formats. Students report, write, videotape in-depth television news pieces. (Lec. 3) Pre: JOR 330 with a grade of C or better.
Independent Study
(1-3 crs.) Individual reading programs, research, or project in journalism or mass media. (Independent Study) Pre: junior standing and submission to chairperson of proposal signed by supervising faculty member. Not for graduate credit.
Public Relations Practices
(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (PRS), JOR 441. Practical application of traditional PR methods in solving problems in a variety of markets. Explores fundamental agency operations, client-agency relationships. Combines practical experience with individual projects, programs, and campaigns. (Practicum/Online) Pre: PRS 340. Not for graduate credit. (D1)
Publication Design for Journalism and PR
(3 crs.) An introduction to designing and producing for the print media, including newspapers, magazines, and newsletters. Extensive use of computers and desktop-publishing technology. Includes consideration of legal and ethical issues. (Lec. 2, Lab. 2) Pre: Junior standing. JOR 341 with a grade of C or better recommended.
Strategic Media Communication
(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (PRS), WRT, COM 442, JOR 443. Introduces strategic media relation tactics when responding to the media, specifically crisis communication situations. Students gain practical experience in various writing and speaking opportunities to effectively work with the media. (Lec. 3/Online) Pre: Junior standing; open only to majors in Communication Studies, Public Relations, Journalism, and Writing.
Special Topics in Journalism
(3 crs.) Subject, course content, and years offered will vary according to expertise and availability of instructors. (Lecture/Lab. or Seminar) Pre: permission of instructor. May be repeated for credit with different topic. Not for graduate credit.
Honors Section of JOR 445: Special Topics in Journalism
(3 crs.) Subject, course content, and years offered will vary according to expertise and availability of instructors. (Lecture/Lab. or Seminar) Pre: Overall gpa of 3.4 or higher or permission of instructor. May be repeated for credit with different topic. Not for graduate credit.
(345) Journalism Internship
(3 or 6 crs.) Supervised experience in: (a) reporting and writing; (b) editing; (c) radio news; (d) television news; (e) public relations. Requires a minimum of 120 hours (3 credits) or 240 hours (6 credits). Weekly one-hour class meeting. Maximum of 6 credits allowed toward graduation. (Practicum) Pre: journalism majors and minors and public relations minors only. Prerequisite courses depend on internship. Permission of instructor and application required. Not for graduate credit.