Bachelor of Arts in History
Students take 30-45 credits, an equivalent of 10-15 courses, in history out of the 120 credits required for a B.A. degree. An additional 40 credits are taken in general education courses. History majors can apply up to 12 credits of approved history courses towards General Education.
What Courses To Take
You will start the program with at least two, and no more than four, 100-level courses. The URI Department of History does not recommend specific 100-level courses for our majors. Students with AP credits in American History should not enroll in 141 and 142. Students with AP credits in European History should not enroll in 113 and 114.
Students interested in the University’s teacher education program, however, should begin their studies with courses that meet requirements for the history and social studies teaching certificates: History 111 or 112, 113 or 114, 141, and 142.
The balance of the undergraduate credits in our history program should be completed with 300- and 400-level courses.
The Capstone Experience
Our major ends with a two-semester capstone sequence, a 400-level course. The first course (401, 441, or 481) gives students the skills they need for to conduct original research during their undergraduate research seminar (495). These two courses are taught in consecutive semesters by the same instructor.
400|500 Level courses upcoming seminar topicsHistory Minor
Undergraduate students may minor in history by completing 18 credits in the field. At least 12 credits must be at the 200 level or above and at least 9 credits must be from courses taken at the University of Rhode Island.