Aidan Boving ’23

Aidan Boving ’23 is a native Rhode Islander from Richmond studying Health Sciences and Cell and Molecular Biology. Learn how the Honors Program has helped Aidan become more well-rounded and has exposed him to diverse ideas.

Tell us a little about yourself: Where are you from? What drew you to URI? 

I am a fifth year student from Richmond Rhode Island. I came to URI because of the health studies program and the proximity to home. I am a second generation college student.

How have your Honors classes helped you integrate and “springboard” into the university and beyond? 

The honors program exposed me to a diverse array of classes which I may not have gotten to take otherwise.

How has your Honors education helped you to think differently about topics within or outside of your major or other area of study? Has it introduced you to new concepts or ways of thinking? Has it changed the way you thought about an important issue? 

The honors program made me think about topics outside of my traditional area of study much more than I would have expected coming into college.

As you completed your Honors course(s), what are ways that you feel it helped prepare you for life after URI?

This honors program classes made me a much more well rounded person who can explain various topics in detail that students outside the program may not have.

What are your short and long term plans post graduation?

I will be going to the NIH (National Institute of Health) for a 2 year training award and then I will be going to graduate school.