Kiley George ’26

Kiley George ’26 is an Honors Student completing degrees in the Marine Affairs and Political Science programs. Learn how Kiley has stepped out of her comfort zone and made new friends during her time in the Honors Program.

Tell us a little about yourself: Where are you from? What drew you to URI? Are you a first generation college student?

I’m a second generation college student from Bridgewater, Massachusetts. I came to URI for its unique Marine Affairs program and all of the opportunities that come with it. I also loved the location, clubs, and options to connect with people of all backgrounds.

How have your Honors classes helped you integrate and “springboard” into the university and beyond? Please describe any impact it had on your experience so far at URI.

The smaller class sizes and welcoming environment helped me integrate into the university much easier than I would’ve otherwise. In my first semester I made two of my closest friends in the criminal justice class with Dr. Doerner.

How has your Honors education helped you to think differently about topics within or outside of your major or other area of study? Has it introduced you to new concepts or ways of thinking? Has it changed the way you thought about an important issue? Please elaborate.

Next semester I plan to take a class that is about something I know next to nothing about, which I’m excited about. The honors program has inspired me to step out of my comfort zone, something that has helped me with the transition to life an URI. So far I’ve taken a criminal justice course and sociology course. These have widened my perspective.

As you completed your Honors course(s), what are ways that you feel it helped prepare you for life after URI?

I think the practical application of the things I’ve learned in my two courses will help me with critical thinking and any education I pursue in the future.

What are your short and long term plans post graduation?

I plan to pursue maritime and admiralty law school post graduation and hopefully practice that genre of law in either a private or public capacity.