Honors Section of MCE 402: Mechanical Engineering Capstone Design II

Instructor: Staff
Meeting Time: WF 12-12:50pm
Section: 0001
Please check eCampus for up-to-date meeting times and location.

Honors Sections of MCE 401: Mechanical Engineering Capstone Design I. Application of engineering skills using a team-based approach. Design process methodology and communication of solutions to real-world engineering problems. First of a two-course sequence. (Lec. 2, Lab. 3) Pre: 3.40 overall GPA, MCE 302 and 366 and 448 and ISE 240 and concurrent registration in CHE 333, or permission of instructor. Must be taken in the semester prior to MCE 402. Not for graduate credit.åÊMUST COMPLETE HONORS PROJECT PROPOSAL PROCESS TO COUNT FOR HONORS

General education outcomes:
3 credits