Emma Rousseau ’23

Emma Rousseau ’23 is a student who double-majored in Gender and Women’s Studies and Sociology. Coming from Oakland, New Jersey, Emma tells us how the Honors Program has helped her make connections with her professors and look at topics in a new way.

Tell us a little about yourself: Where are you from? What drew you to URI?

I am from Oakland New Jersey. The campus climate really drew me to URI.

How have your Honors classes helped you integrate and “springboard” into the university and beyond?

Early on I was able to make connections with professors I was unable to make in my other classes because the honors classes were a lot smaller compared to other classes I took.

How has your Honors education helped you to think differently about topics within or outside of your major or other area of study? Has it introduced you to new concepts or ways of thinking?

I’ve been able to go into depth about certain topics that impacted my lens of social justice, but I never would have known about if I did not take certain honors classes. The honors classes offered here are like no other classes offered at URI.

As you completed your Honors course(s), what are ways that you feel it helped prepare you for life after URI?

It has helped me look at higher social institutions in a new light and question whether certain practices are ethical.

What are your short and long term plans post graduation?

I plan on attending graduate school.