We want all students to choose roommates with whom they are compatible. At the University of Rhode Island, we are committed to making your first-year residential experience outstanding by creating a supportive environment where you can feel at home, connect with your peers, and do your best work.
Your roommate selection may influence your housing placement. When space in an LLC building is limited, students are housed based on their majors and their selected roommate’s majors. Priority is given to students whose roommate selections match the LLC, and then to students without roommate selections.
We make every attempt to assign students to their LLC. We are often asked, “What are my chances of getting into my major’s LLC?” so we created the infographic below to help illustrate our assignment logic:

A few things to remember:
- When selecting roommates, choose compatible students in the same major or college;
- Students without roommate selections are more likely to be placed in their LLC than students with roommates from different colleges.
- Even if you aren’t living in the LLC’s primary building, you still have access to the programs and services offered through the LLC.