Fall 2020

Rhody Residential Experience

Protect Yourself and Fellow Residents

All students should work together to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the URI community by following all federal, state, and local guidelines. Residents are expected to also follow guidelines outlined in the Student Handbook.

Facial coverings must be worn in common areas. When you leave your residence hall room, it is required that you always wear a facial covering regardless of how long you plan to be outside your room.

  • Students are encouraged to maintain good hygiene, including washing their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after visiting a public place, using the restroom, blowing their nose, coughing, sneezing or touching their face. If soap and water are not available, hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol should be used.   Stations are located in public areas of most campus buildings, but students should plan on carrying their own. Health Services can assist in obtaining personal size sanitizer.
  • Practice physical distancing
    • Lounge spaces – smaller lounges and common areas will be closed to group gatherings; in large open lounges, furniture will be arranged to allow proper distancing. Persons utilizing public spaces must remain 6 feet away from each other and wear face coverings at all times.
    • Elevators – 2-3 person maximum depending on elevator size (signage will be present). Consider using elbows or other methods for pushing buttons.
    • Resident rooms – maintain appropriate distancing among roommates and any limited in-hall guests that are permitted. The number of permitted guests is posted on the back of room doors. No outside (non-resident) guests are permitted.


Expect modifications to the guest/visitor policy across all residential communities. This is an evolving policy based on health professionals’ guidance and campus conditions.

We will start the school year off with a limited guest policy. Students will only be able to access and visit other students within their assigned residence hall. No outside guests will be allowed, including parents/guardians. Deliveries to students must occur outside of the residence hall.

The number of students in a residence hall room will also be limited. The table below identifies the maximum number of guests in a residence hall room, suite or apartment (not inclusive of room owners):

Hall Maximum number of guests
Adams, Aldrich, Barlow, Bressler, Browning, Burnside, Butterfield, Coddington, Dorr, Ellery, Fayerweather, Gorham, Heathman, Hillside, Hopkins, Hutchinson, Merrow, Peck, Tucker, Weldin, 22UCR 1*
Brookside, Eddy, Garrahy, Gateway Apartments, Wiley 5*
*Note the maximum number of guests does not include the room/apartment occupants.



Residence halls with community bathrooms will receive enhanced cleaning to ensure bathrooms are cleaned up to three times per day. Partitions will be placed between sinks and should be kept in place. While professional cleaning will be provided, each student should practice good hygiene and handwashing during use and upon departure. Community health is everyone’s responsibility.

Residence halls with individual or shared bathrooms The residents will be responsible for bathroom cleaning and should develop and adhere to a shared cleaning schedule as well as practice good hygiene and handwashing during use and upon departure. Community health is everyone’s responsibility.

Quarantine and Isolation

Students who are required to isolate or quarantine based on existing State guidelines or health and safety directives are expected to fully comply. Failure to do so can result in student conduct action. Students who are able to quarantine or isolate at home without the use of public transportation will be expected to do so. Students with extenuating circumstances who reside in university housing and become symptomatic, test positive for COVID-19, or are otherwise directed to isolate and/or quarantine can be accommodated in vacant, single-occupancy rooms with private bathrooms that Housing and Residential Life has set aside for this purpose, both on-campus and at two local hotels. Housing and Residential Life, Student Affairs and Health Services are prepared to provide meal delivery, medical care and other support services for on-campus students who need to isolate and/or quarantine.