Office of Human Resources

Leadership on all human resource-related issues

80 Lower College Road, Kingston, RI 02881

urihr@ucs.uri.edu401.874.2416 - 401.874.5741 (fax)

Think Big, We Do.
Rhode Island Seal

Date: May 1, 2006 (revised)



To state policies and rules with regard to fringe benefit eligibility for unlimited appointments, limited appointments, temporary appointments and for employees on leave.


Non-classified staff and faculty employees (except temporary/limited faculty, see Temporary/Limited Faculty Eligibility for Fringe Benefits, Section 2.3).


1. It is the responsibility of the Dean, Director, Department Head, or Supervisor and the employee to be familiar with said policy.

2. It is the responsibility of the employee to sign the appropriate paperwork for benefits in the Office of Human Resource Administration, Employee Benefits Section, if eligible.


1. Unlimited appointments – Staff/faculty working at least twenty (20) hours per week for at least 6 months in duration are eligible for most fringe benefits immediately when placed on the State bi-weekly payroll.

 2. Limited staff appointments – Staff working at least twenty (20) hours per week, with appointments of 13 pay periods (6 months) or more, will be eligible for most fringe benefits immediately when placed on the State bi-weekly payroll.

Limited staff appointments, at least twenty (20) hours per week, for less than six months, will not be eligible for fringe benefits. If their appointment is subsequently extended to or beyond a six-month duration fringe benefits would start the effective date of the extension. However, accruals of vacation, personal, and sick leave are eligible from hire date.

3. Limited and temporary faculty appointments – See Temporary/Limited Faculty Eligibility for Fringe Benefits, (Section 2.3).

 4. Fringe benefits eligibility while on leave – the following applies to individuals on leave:

a. Employees on sabbatical leave at full pay continue to receive all fringe benefits in full.

b. Employees on sabbatical leave at partial pay receive the following fringe benefits:

i. FICA, RI Board of Governors’ Defined Contribution Retirement Plan, or Employees Retirement System of RI, RI Board of Governors’ Medical Retirement Plan – the applicable rate times the gross pay actually received per pay period.

ii. Group Life Insurance – may continue for a period of not more than twelve (12) months at the reduced salary premium rates. May purchase the full salary premium rates through the Office of Human Resource Administration, Employee Benefits Section.

iii. Health, Dental and Vision Insurance –continued in full with appropriate employee co-share.

iv. Annual/Sick Leave – prorated on the basis of salary received.

v. Legal Insurance – continued in full.

vi. ALFAC – continued in full.

c. Employees on educational, personal illness, family, maternity, or workers’ compensation leave without pay with benefits:

i. May purchase group life insurance for a period of not more than twelve (12) months by paying the group rate through the Office of Human Resource Administration, Employee Benefits Section.

ii. Receive full health, dental, and vision insurance by paying appropriate employee co-share, up to twelve (12) months.

iii. May purchase time in the Employees Retirement System of RI provided employee has returned to active employment for at least one year. (Waiting period is waived if employee is on workers’ compensation leave.)

iv. May purchase legal insurance for a period of not more than twelve (12) months by paying the group rate through the Office of Human Resource Administration, Employee Benefits Section.

v. May purchase AFLAC directly through the company by contacting the AFLAC representative.

There shall be no other fringe benefits available for purchase while on leave.

d. Employees on leave without pay without benefits:

i. May purchase group life insurance by paying the State group rate through the Office of Human Resource Administration, Employee Benefits Section.

ii. May purchase health, dental and vision coverage at the State group rate by contacting Office of Human Resource Administration, Employee Benefits Section. Employee is billed directly by the carrier(s).

iii. May purchase time in the Employees Retirement System of RI provided employee has returned to active employment for at least one year. (Waiting period is waived if employee is on workers’ compensation leave.)

iv. May purchase legal insurance by paying the state group rate through the Office of Human Resource Administration, Employee Benefits Section.

v. May purchase AFLAC directly through the company by contacting the AFLAC representative.

There shall be no other fringe benefits available while on leave without pay without benefits.

5. Fringe Benefits are transferable between positions within State Agencies, except for RI Board of Governors’ Defined Contribution Retirement Plan, Supplemental Retirement Annuity, and RI Board of Governors’ 457 Deferred Compensation.


New or current employees must meet with the Office of Human Resource Administration, Employee Benefits Section to complete all the necessary fringe benefit forms for which they are eligible.

Current employees who take a leave of absence must contact the Office of Human Resource Administration, Employee Benefits Section to complete all the necessary fringe benefit forms for which they are eligible while on leave, if applicable.

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