The Final Stretch

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As we all return to campus after the Thanksgiving break, it is hard to not become overwhelmed by the road ahead. With finals season right around the corner, this time of the academic year can be incredibly stressful for all students. 

To be completely honest, this semester was really hard for me, and I am sure some of you are feeling the same way. From not only transitioning back to in-person classes and commuting to campus for the first time, but also re-starting extracurricular activities I was involved in prior to the pandemic, it was extremely difficult to manage my time well. While I love that my life is returning to normal, I have to admit to myself that it is okay to struggle a little bit. It is important to  

Here are some ways that I will be tackling the final stretch of this semester!

Stick to Your Normal Routine

I am the type of person that needs structure and routine in my life in order to stay on track. However, when my workload gets more intense, I tend to fall out of my normal patterns. Sticking to a somewhat normal routine can make it seem like any other week, and help decrease stress.

Vegetables on counterPlan ahead to keep your daily routine the same. Try going to sleep around when you normally do, or at least at a somewhat early time. Make sure you are eating your regular meals, and stay hydrated. If you like to workout daily, make time to get to the gym or do an at-home workout. Allot time for all of your work and studying, and any extra-curricular activities you might have coming up. I like to write down all of my deadlines and plans for the week in a calendar to keep track of everything I need to get done. 

Take Breaks

Finals make it seem like your whole life consists of class, studying, schoolwork, and exams. I am here to tell you – the world will not end if you need to take a nap during the day. It is so important to take time for yourself, and do things that you enjoy and help you relax. Go to dinner with friends, watch a movie, scroll through some TikToks (and be sure to check out @uricampusrec while you’re at it!), or do anything that makes you happy and takes your mind off of school for a while. 

Beach SunsetSomething that always helps me destress is going for a daily walk. I try to incorporate this into my day at some capacity, whether it be 30 minutes, an hour, or even just a quick walk around the block. Taking this time for myself each day improves my overall mood, making me more motivated to get my work done. 


Accept Your Flaws

Do I even really need to say it? We are all human, we cannot be perfect all the time. It’s okay if you’re running late to class, taking a little extra time on an assignment, or struggling with a topic you are studying for. Try your best, but if you don’t meet all of your expectations this finals season, it’s going to be okay. 

As a graduating senior, I can tell you that I’ve messed up more times than I’d like to admit. I can assure you that there have been assignments that I completely forgot, and beat myself up over turning it in late. But guess what? In the grand scheme of things, it did not really matter all that much. I survived, and I still passed all of my classes. Don’t be so hard on yourself, being a college student is really difficult.

This semester was obviously a challenge. For me, being a full-time student, a supervisor for the marketing team at Campus Recreation, and an active member of the Greek Life community, I seriously struggled keeping myself afloat. Add final projects and exams on top of that, and I could easily explode from stress. But just as I am advising all of you, I am making my mental state a priority and taking the time to keep myself happy. 

Campus Rec is here for us – with the Stress-Less website created to help keep our stress in check.

The most important thing to remember in these last few weeks is to take care of yourself and try not to get overwhelmed by the tasks ahead. Don’t sacrifice your mental health and wellbeing for a good grade. If you’re already stressed, take a step back and realize that you will make it through this finals season. Good luck with all of the hard work ahead, and keep pushing through!


Headshot of EmmaHi! My name is Emma, and I am a senior Communications Studies and Writing and Rhetoric student here at URI. I am from Long Beach Township, New Jersey, where I am an ocean lifeguard during the summer. Outside of class and work, I am a member of Greek Life, and enjoy spending time with friends and family. This is my second semester being a part of the marketing team for Campus Recreation, where I am given the opportunity to combine my passions of creative writing and health and well-being. I am so excited to continue sharing my life and experiences as a URI student!

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