Getting Into the Holiday Spirit

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The weather is beginning to turn, the leaves have fallen off the trees, and holiday music is being played on the radio. It’s about that time of year, and we need to bring the spirit to a maximum this holiday season more than ever.

It can be hard to create holiday cheer in these times, and it sure was difficult last year with everything going on. On top of that, finals are coming up and it seems like everyone is starting to stress about the end of the semester. We aren’t making enough time for ourselves or appreciating and embracing the holiday season like we did living at home when we were younger.

Just because it is the final two weeks of classes, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be getting into the holiday spirit. Here are some things that will bring holiday cheer for you, your roommates, and friends this holiday season:


Holiday Playlists

There’s no holiday season without some festive music. Some will start playing it after Halloween (which I think is too early), but after Thanksgiving passes is when you start hearing it everywhere. Take a few minutes to compile your favorite holiday songs into a playlist. If you aren’t a fan of the classic songs, odds are your favorite artists have songs/albums where they cover famous songs or even have originals.


Homemade Hot CocoaHot Cocoa

Nothing is better than getting inside after a long, cold day and making some hot chocolate. It is one of the best holiday traditions, relaxing with friends and family and avoiding the cold while sipping on some hot cocoa. If you want to go all out with it, get some marshmallows and candy canes to add that peppermint flavor. As a matter of fact I might go make some right now after writing this.


Warm Attire

Flannel pants, fuzzy socks, ugly sweaters, you name it. Wearing clothes in the holiday theme is a huge booster to the holiday spirit. Make some arrangements with friends to have an holiday themed party. Wear whatever puts you in the holiday spirit – or just keeps you warm as the weather gets colder!


Gift Giving

This goes down as one of my favorite holiday traditions with friends. There are a ton of websites online where a secret gift exchange can be organized, or for more fun put everyone’s names in a hat and pick them out one by one. It is always fun to see who gets who and what they get them. Whether it ends up being the perfect gift, or a well-thought out gag gift that makes everybody laugh, it is always a great time doing a gift exchange with your friends.


Snowflake DecorationsDecorations

A lot of us already have lights hanging around our rooms already, why not display them for some festivity? You can put some outside or on your door to add a little extra flair to your light decorations. But why not get some more up besides the lights. There are so many DIY projects you can do to make awesome holiday decorations. One of my favorites is cutting paper into different snowflakes and hanging them everywhere around the room.


Movie Marathon

I saved the best for last. Holiday movies are a must-do activity. Everyone has a favorite, and you shouldn’t be afraid to admit it. Something I always look forward to this time of year is having a night to watch three or four movies in one night to take in all of the holiday spirit.  A marathon doesn’t have to be just a one night activity, either. A lot of people will watch one or two a night for every day of December, saving their favorites for the end of the season. A couple of my favorites I make sure to watch every year are Christmas Vacation, Elf, and Home Alone.

These are not only six things to spread holiday cheer, but if you put them all together it can be a great time with friends! 

This time of year is not about stress. It is about spending time with family and friends and positive vibes. Try doing some of the things I suggested above to help get you into the holiday spirit. I know I will.


Headshot of CollinHi Everyone! My name is Collin and I am a senior majoring in Sports Media and Communications with minors in Journalism and Business. I’m excited to be a part of the Campus Rec team here at URI! I have always enjoyed writing and I’m happy to have this great opportunity to get my name out there and gain experience. I love sports, especially the Boston teams, and follow them each and every day. I also write for our student-run Sports Media club here on campus, Anchor Sports Network. I enjoy being active, whether it’s on campus or off, going to the gym and playing sports. I am on the Club baseball team at URI and also enjoy playing basketball. I hope to give everyone a different perspective on things and spark interest with you in whatever I write about!

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