Taking Care of Yourself While Traveling

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With the month of March rolling just around the corner, I have taken note of the different ways I have been caring for myself while traveling. Many of these habits have been developed and created when I was at school in Rhode Island. Now, in my second block abroad in Sydney, Australia, I have even more habits that help me ensure mental and physical health is intact while being away from home. 

There are many tips and tricks I have added to my routine from traveling to and from college and now across the world. Follow along for some tips and more advice on how to take care of yourself while traveling! 

Staying Hydrated! 

Making sure you are hydrated before traveling, especially on a flight, is really important. Drinking lots of water can keep you energized during a long car ride or a long flight. Additionally, it is a great way to help flush any illnesses that might be trying to come into your system while traveling. 

Something I like to do is to make sure I have a reusable water bottle on me at all times! This way, I have access to water whenever I need it and I can continuously drink throughout the day. Staying hydrated also assists in making jet lag go away faster! This was something I have learned quite quickly. Ensuring you are hydrated will keep your mood boosted which is always a plus while traveling.

Find Comfort 

While traveling, life can become chaotic and discombobulated. There is a lot to deal with from moving into a house to landing in a new country. As mentioned in my previous blog, adjusting to a new schedule can be hectic as well. So, I have found that continuing with activities I found to be comforting at home and continuing them while traveling is a great way to take care of yourself. 

For example, at home in New Jersey and at school in Rhode Island, I exercise and attend workout classes. So, when traveling, one of the first things I do is to find a place where I can stay active! Whether this is a local yoga studio or signing up for a gym, staying active, for me, helps me find comfort in the place I am when traveling. Being comfortable can help the traveling process become much easier and is important for your mental health. 

Embracing Emotions 

Moving locations, either into a dorm room or a new house in Narragansett, many emotions can affect the traveling process. During these times, I like to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Emotions like stress or the feeling of being overwhelmed can take away from important moments in life. Therefore, taking a second to understand where these emotions are coming from and understanding that they are a part of life makes it easier to move forward.

Embracing these emotions and speaking openly about them is a great way to look after yourself when traveling. It is common to bottle up emotions and keep them to yourself while you are in a new place. Therefore, reaching out to friends and family can also help assist this process and relieve the stress that has been weighing on your shoulders. Everyone gets overwhelmed and everyone has emotions that are hard to deal with sometimes. But, having a conversation with a loved one or even writing about your feelings in a journal can help you move through a situation and help embrace your emotions

Looking With Your Eyes…Not the Lens

Another way of taking care of yourself while traveling can include a day without a phone in your hand. Something I have learned while being abroad is that I have a habit of getting caught up in social media instead of physically observing where I am. In this society, social media is extremely prevalent which makes it difficult to not want to snap a picture of the Opera House or the Sydney Harbour Bridge and post it to Instagram. I have learned that on the days when I do not use my phone and simply take in my surroundings, I remember more of my day and feel that I truly experienced it. 


Though this seems like a simple task, you would be surprised how many times you reach for your phone., I challenge you to not use your phone for a whole day while traveling. Take in the sights around you and be in the moment. If something is worth remembering, your eyes and mind will forever capture that moment. This is a helpful way to take a step away from the pressure of social media and enjoy the experience you are having.

Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone 

The last piece of advice I can give to anyone who is traveling and wants to take care of themselves is to explore areas outside of their comfort zone. Traveling is something that is exciting yet nerve-racking. Sometimes staying inside a bubble can make someone feel isolated. Therefore, participating in activities or attending events that are outside of your comfort zone can help you find new things you love and help develop characteristics about yourself you wouldn’t have known otherwise. 

Being abroad and traveling to so many new places has not only helped me to explore the world, but explore different personalities and parts of myself. This has helped me take care of myself in a new way to help me become accommodated to traveling. 

As I continue to travel around the world and enter the month of March, these tips will continue to be helpful to ensure I am taking care of myself. At times, traveling anywhere can disrupt self-care. Therefore, focusing on small things like staying hydrated, finding comfort, embracing emotions, stepping away from social media, and exploring outside of your comfort zone can help you stay on track and enjoy the beauty of traveling. 

What are some ways you like to take care of yourself while traveling? Thank you for following along with my blog, I am so happy you are here. Stay tuned for my next blog post, Being Spontaneous!






Tara reading a book on a founain in newyork looking rightHi friends! My name is Tara Roumes and I am a junior here at URI. With a double major in journalism and English, you can always find me writing! When a pen isn’t in my hand, a fresh cup of coffee and a book often replace it. My love for books can be found on Instagram, @taras_littlelibrary, where I post reviews and connect with other avid readers. If I am not reading or writing, I am definitely claiming a front-row seat at any athletic event on campus, playing with my two dogs, or listening to Harry Styles. This is my second semester blogging for Inside Rec and I am so excited to share my experiences, thoughts, and opinions with you! Right now I am studying abroad in Cape Town then I head to Sydney and Rome!

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