Ways to Destress

As we are entering the middle of the fall semester, life can start to feel a little hectic. Time is moving fast and it is almost November, almost the end of the calendar year. Like I said, life can get hectic and it can feel like there is a lot of catching up to do.

But on days like today when the rain stops outdoor activities and puts a pause on plans, we can take a deep breath and reset. 

If you are looking for new ways to destress, follow along as I share some of my favorites! 

Find Comfort in Familiarity 

The first thing I like to do when I  am beginning to feel stressed is to take a few deep breaths and gather my thoughts. Then, I play, listen, or watch something that I find to be comforting. For me, this is playing endless episodes of Friends, specifically The One Where Everybody Finds Out, or listening to Harry Styles. 

Touching base with some of your favorite things that you are familiar with will bring back those feelings of relaxation. The feeling of comfort will help decrease your stress as well. Finding comfort in familiarity can also come from baking comfort food like cookies or cooking mac and cheese – or whatever your favorite food is! It can come from spending time with your best friends who are aware of your stress, taking a walk down a familiar street, or even rereading a book that you know brings you a sense of joy. 

The next time you are feeling overwhelmed, take a moment to do or listen to something that is familiar to you. I promise it will help! 

Stepping Outdoors 

Getting outside when I am feeling overwhelmed can be hard. Personally, I like to get work done or spend time cleaning indoors instead of getting fresh air. But, after hours of stale air and mixed thoughts, going outside is a perfect way to feel refreshed. 

I love to walk around the block, go on a long run, or find a bench to sit on at my local beach. If you know me, you know that I take any opportunity I can to walk along the beach to capture a view of the sunset. This has become one of my favorite ways to destress, especially after a long day. The sound of the water helps clear my mind, ears, and any thoughts that may be lingering in my brain. 

Breathing in the fresh air is a great way to clear your mind and increase energy levels throughout your body. Try it, trust me! 

Staying Active 

As someone who enjoys working out, staying active is a huge part of making sure my well-being is intact. Putting on sneakers and listening to my gym playlist helps me remember that working out is a great way to pump your endorphins and get your brain to release feel-good energy. 

There are so many great workouts that can fit everyone’s different needs. For me, I like to run. But sometimes there are days when I can’t put my feet on the pavement and I make my way to Mackal Field House or Tootell for a workout like pilates, spin, or F45. If you are interested in finding a workout that is right for you, visit IMLeagues to view our classes that are listed each week! 

Making the first step to work out can be challenging, but the reward of stepping out of your comfort zone is worth it. Next time you are feeling stressed, check out one of our many workout classes! 

Campus Recreation’s Favorite Ways to Destress

While I shared many of my favorite ways to destress, not everyone has the same process. Some other popular ways to destress, according to the Campus Recreation team are:

  • Reading 
  • Painting 
  • cooking
  • Meditation
  • Sewing 
  • Spending time with family 
  • Hanging out with furry friends 

Mid-semester is just around the corner! Hopefully, after reading this blog, you can find a practice to help relieve stress that is right for you. Thank you for reading this week’s blog and stay tuned for next week! 


By Tara Roumes