We want to connect you to opportunities that strengthen your skills, broaden your perspective, and help you get ready for the world. Discover the rich and varied courses for J Term.
Registration for 2025 Winter J Term is now closed.
Winter J Term is an academic mini-semester during the approximately three-week period between the first week in January and the start of spring semester. Catch up on credits or experience something completely new.
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Ready for J Term?
J Term Course Immerses Students in World of Juvenile Justice - The J-Term course Immersion in Juvenile Justice emerges from Associate Professor of Sociology Dr. Judy Van Wyk's research at the Ocean Tides School, a residential rehabilitation program and accredited high school.
J Term trip to Indonesia has surprise guest - Students on the J Term trip to Indonesia learned about geology, hydrology, biodiversity conservation, and the struggle to preserve traditional ways of life in a developing nation. They saw what may have been one of the oldest cave paintings still in existence and got to teach their university president how to trap and tag turtles.
Taking a J Term class provided me with valuable digital marketing skills. Completing the course during the winter break enabled me to to focus on a marketing internship and excel in my professional development during the spring semester.Jaslene Bourdeau