Modern Greek
Course Descriptions
Beginning Foreign Language I
(3 crs.) Fundamentals of grammar and pronunciation; exercises in reading, writing, and conversation in a foreign language not included in regular departmental offerings. (Lec. 3) Pre: no prior experience in a specific language is required. May be repeated for credit for different languages. Choice of specific language to be taught subject to availability and student demand. (A3) (C2)
Beginning Foreign Language II
(3 crs.) Continuation of LAN 191. Students enrolling in this course should have taken LAN 191 or equivalent in the same language. (Lec. 3) May be repeated for credit for different languages. Choice of specific language to be taught subject to availability and student demand.
Intermediate Foreign Language I
(3 crs.) Development of facility in speaking, listening comprehension, writing, and reading texts of moderate difficulty in a language not included in regular departmental offerings. Students enrolling in this course should have taken LAN 192 or equivalent. (Lec. 3) Choice of specific language to be taught subject to availability and student demand.
Intermediate Foreign Language II
(3 crs.) Continuation of LAN 193. Students enrolling in this course should have taken LAN 193 or equivalent. (Lec. 3) Choice of specific language to be taught subject to availability and student demand.
Advanced Foreign Language I
(3 crs.) Further development of all language skills with emphasis on writing and reading. Students enrolling in this course should have taken HBW 104 or JPN 104 or LAN 194 or equivalent in the same language. (Lec. 3)
Advanced Foreign Language II
(3 crs.) Continuation of LAN 205. Students enrolling in this course should have taken LAN 205 or equivalent in the same language. (Lec. 3)
Understanding Languages in Cultural Context
(3 crs.) Introduction to understanding the interaction of language and cultures from a linguistic perspective. Topics include cultural analysis, intercultural pragmatics, linguistics, sociolinguistics. (Lec. 3) (A2) (C3)
Intercultural Competence
(3 crs.) Acquire essential knowledge, skills, and attitudes to function successfully in an increasingly interconnected and globalized world. (Lec. 3) Pre: Junior standing or by permission of instructor. (A3) (C3)
Capstone Seminar Across Languages and Cultures
(3 crs.) Capstone experience to apply accumulated skills and knowledge in study of language and culture to comparative textual and cultural analysis across languages. (Seminar) Pre: Junior standing, minimum 12 credits of coursework in a language other than English, or by permission of instructor. Not for graduate credit. (D1) (B4)