Nicole Andrescavage is a master’s degree candidate studying environmental policy and management in the Masters of Environmental Science and Management program. She is under the tutelage of her advisor, Peter August, and her major paper mentor, Dennis Nixon. Additionally, Nicole holds one of the two M.E.S.M. Rhode Island Sea Grant Fellow assistantships. She is working at the Coastal Resources Center on the Bay Campus. Her master’s degree will culminate in a major paper studying the legal and practical implications of geographic location descriptions and federal consistency under the Coastal Zone Management Act, as it relates to the world of marine spatial planning. In the “Becker Lab”, Nicole is working with Peter Stempel, cataloging climate change visualizations to help with an assessment of tools used by practitioners in the field.
Prior to enrolling at the University of Rhode Island, Nicole completed her bachelor’s degree at Providence College, graduating cum laude in political science with a minor in history. After traveling Europe and working on a Mesolithic/Paleolithic stone tools site seeking seafaring tools on the island of Crete, she decided to apply for further study in environmental policy. Upon completion of her master’s degree in December, Nicole plans on going to law school to study marine and maritime law.