Research: Regulatory Overlay Zones for Ports and Harbors, Waterfront Community Spatial Planning, Critical Infrastructure Resilience to Natural Hazards, National Adaptation Plans
University of Florida, Master of Urban and Regional Planning, 2019
Pratt Institute, BA History, Theory, and Criticism of Architecture, Design, and Art, 2007
Rosemarie is a research assistant with the Rhode Island Coastal Hazards Analysis, Modeling, and Prediction (RICHAMP) initiative and a Rhode Island Sea Grant fellow. She is working to understand the mechanisms that increase resilience in coastal planning, specifically in designated port areas. This research will inform the design of effective and equitable policies that enhance port resilience.
Rosemarie is an AICP planner with expertise in all phases of land development and long-range planning based on sustainable principles. Her professional background in coastal zone management and comprehensive planning for coastal communities has led her to the University of Rhode Island, where she is pursuing a PhD in Marine Affairs. Rosemarie’s PhD research employs thematic coding and qualitative mixed-method research to examine how material and positional incentives affect seaports, focusing on US ports. Her prior graduate research addressed environmental justice by creating geoprocessing models to compare the efficiency and equity of stormwater utility policies in Florida counties and cities. She is a member of the American Planning Association and the Society for Women in Marine Science.