Josh Pi

Degree program: M.M.A.
Year accepted: 2022
Advisor: Melva Treviño-Peña
Research: Coastal socio-ecological systems, biological oceanography, marine conservation and management
Background: I am in the joint GSO-MAF program earning a PhD in oceanography and a Master’s in Marine Affairs. I am interested in coupling natural science (ecogeochemistry) and social science (ethnography) approaches to study coastal socio-ecological systems. My project investigates how modernization in fishing technologies on Ulithi Atoll, Micronesia have impacted the ecosystem stability of local reefs, and in turn, how changes in these ecosystems have then altered the socio-cultural systems of Ulithi. This project is in collaboration with my advisors (Dr. Melva Treviño-Peña and Dr. Kelton McMahon) and One People One Reef