Cynthia Taylor


Cynthia Taylor is an Assistant Teaching Professor of Honors in the Department of Marine Affairs. Her research and teaching are informed by her combined training in anthropology, biology, and STEM education, and center on the social dimensions of scientific knowledge, public engagement with environmental issues, and inclusive science communication. She received her PhD through URI’s Science Education and Society Program in the Department of Biology in 2020, and currently teaches HPR 124: Planet Honors.


2020 Ph.D. Science Education and Society Program/Biological Sciences, University of Rhode Island
2006 M.A. Biocultural Anthropology, University of Arizona, Tucson
2003 B.A. Anthropology and Spanish, University of Rhode Island 

Selected Publications

Taylor, C, B.M. Dewsbury, and C Brame. 2022. The Educational Context: Digital Technologies as a Bridge and Barrier to  Student Access and Inclusivity. In Technologies in Biomedical and Life Science Education: Approaches and Efficacy for  Learning. Springer Publishing, NY. 

Taylor, C and B.M. Dewsbury. 2019. Barriers to Inclusive Deliberation and Democratic Governance of Genetic Technologies at the Science-Policy Interface. Journal of Science Communication. 

Taylor, C and B.M. Dewsbury. 2018. On the problem and promise of metaphor use in science communication. J  Micro Bio Ed 19 (1).