Program: M.A.M.A., graduated 2010
Current Position: Senior Fisheries Biologist with the New Jersey Dept. of Environmental Protection – Marine Fisheries Administration
Biography: After graduating from Marine Affairs, Kira returned to employment in New Jersey state government as a shellfish biologist. Her primary responsibility is executing shellfish inventories in NJ’s estuaries, with a focus on the hard clam (Mercenaria mercenaria) population. Additional species of interest include Atlantic surf clams, blue mussels, Easter oysters, bay scallops, and softshell clams. Other work includes the Atlantic surf clam survey, aquaculture lease ground investigation, shellfish enhancement, and site inspections associated with proposed waterfront development projects. Kira is also responsible for shellfish habitat mapping and projects related to submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV). Before coming to Marine Affairs, Kira obtained a Bachelor of Science in Ecology and Natural Resource Management and worked as a coastal permit project manager.