Bachelor of Science in Marine Affairs

Course Descriptions

MAF 100

Human Use and Management of the Marine Environment

(3 crs.) Examination of uses and management efforts in the coastal and ocean environment. Assessment of problems arising from those uses and attempts to conserve resources, protect the environment, and minimize use conflicts in the context of changing technological capabilities, knowledge, and values. (Lec. 3) (A2) (C1)

MAF 120

New England and the Sea

(3 crs.) An examination of the human and environmental impacts of the sea and its uses on the New England and Gulf of Maine region. Considers marine resource use and management throughout human history. (Lec. 3)

MAF 213G

Energy and Environment

(3 crs.) Cross-listed (EGR), MAF 213G. Technical, social, and environmental aspects of energy, including energy and the society, energy policy, global challenges of energy, energy systems (fossil fuels, renewables, storage), and environmental pollution of energy systems. (Lec. 3) Pre: MTH 111 or permission of instructor. (A1) (C2) (GC)

MAF 220

Introduction to Marine and Coastal Law

(3 crs.) Basic principles of marine and coastal law in the United States. An integration of coastal zone, outer continental shelf, fisheries, marine pollution, and admiralty laws. (Lec. 3) (A2) (C1)

MAF 280

Introduction to Climatology

(3 crs.) Cross-listed (GEO) MAF 280. An introduction to the earth’s climate system. An examination of weather and climate variability and of governing physical processes and interactions between the atmosphere, oceans, and land surface. (Lec. 3) Pre: Credit or current enrollment in MTH 103 or 111. (A1) (B3)

MAF 300

Race, Gender, Colonialism and Science

(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (MAF) AAF301. An introduction to science and technology studies with an emphasis on race, class, gender, and colonialism as they intersect with ecology. (Seminar) (C3) (A3)

MAF 310

Communication for Marine Affairs

(3 crs.) Provide marine affairs students with an introduction of how to communicate effectively with a variety of different stakeholders, in different contexts, and for different purposes. (Lec. 3) Pre: MAF 100.

MAF 312

International Politics of the Ocean

(3 crs.) Survey of ocean governance institutions and major international challenges related to ocean use. Special emphasis on the United Nations and contemporary ocean activities, interests, and problems. (Lec. 3) (C2) (D1)

MAF 320

Shipping and Ports

(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (MAF), EEC 320. An introduction to the economics of waterborne movement of cargo (shipping and port operations, markets and innovations in maritime transportation systems, and the interplay of the operators, shipping, and ports) (Lec. 3) Pre: MAF 100 or EEC 105 or permission of the instructor.

MAF 330

World Fishing

(3 crs.) The role of marine fisheries and aquaculture in world food production. Social, economic, legal, and scientific issues in fisheries management. (Lec. 3) Pre: MAF 100.

MAF 340

Environmental Sociology

(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (MAF) SOC 340. Introduction to environmental sociology, which studies the human-nature relationship and underlying causes of environmental problems. Particular attention given to applications of theory to marine and coastal issues. (Lec. 3) Pre: SOC 100 or MAF 100.

MAF 350

Global Issues In Sustainable Development

(3 crs.) Cross-listed as MAF 350 and NRS 300. Examines context, concepts, and processes of global effort towards sustainable development and the role of global governance and international institutions such as the United Nations. (Lec.) (C2) (A2)

MAF 373

(370) Environmental Injustice

(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (MAF), HIS, GWS 373. Examines environmental issues through a social justice lens. Looking at historical and global contexts, topics may include public health issues, environmental social movements, and 'natural' disasters. (Lec. 3) (C3)

MAF 410

Senior Seminar in Marine Affairs

(3 crs.) Advanced work in the management of the coastal and marine environment, with special emphasis on case studies and student projects. (Seminar) Pre: Seniors only. Required for seniors in marine affairs. Not for graduate credit in marine affairs.

MAF 412G

Governing International Waters

(3 crs.) Examination of complex issues driving decisions about ocean governance, and the challenges and possibilities of international cooperation. (Lec. 3) Pre: Junior Standing. (D1) (C2) (GC)

MAF 413

Peoples of the Sea

(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (APG), MAF 413. Examination of human sociocultural adaptation to the seas. (Lec. 3) Pre: APG 203 or MAF 100 or graduate status. Open only to juniors, seniors, and graduate students.

MAF 415

Marine Pollution Policy

(3 crs.) Introduction to management techniques for marine pollutants (biodegradable materials, nutrients, petroleum, metals, synthetic organics, radioactive materials, plastics, heat, and dredge spoils) with emphasis on strategies to limit environmental impacts. (Lec. 3) Pre: junior standing or above. Not for graduate credit.

MAF 445

Environmental Thought and Behavior

(3 crs.) Introduction to environmental behavior, including factors such as values, knowledge, risk perceptions, and social pressure. Attention is given to the role of attitudes and values in coastal and marine management. (Lec. 3) Pre: MAF 100. Not for graduate credit.

MAF 450

(NRS 487) International Development in Practice

(1-6 crs.) Supervised work, research experience or study abroad related to international development. (Practicum) Pre: MAF 350 or NRS 300 and permission of instructor. Not for graduate credit. S/U only.

MAF 461

Coastal Zone Management

(3 crs.) Examination of activities and management efforts in the coastal zone of both developed and developing countries and their impacts on the environment. Resolution of use conflicts. (Lec. 3)

MAF 465

GIS Applications in Coastal and Marine Management

(3 crs.) The use of geographical information systems (GIS) technology in coastal and marine settings. Database acquisition and management are emphasized. Case application in coastal zone management, artificial habitat, and fisheries management. (Lec. 3) Pre: undergraduate standing or graduate students with permission of instructor.

MAF 471

Critical Island Studies

(3 crs.) Cross listed as (MAF), APG 471. A critical approach to island studies with a focus on Caribbean and Pacific small islands and the history of island studies. Topics include tourism, climate change, development, culture, and conservation. (Seminar)

MAF 472

Critical Studies of Tourism and Ecotourism

(3 crs.) Cross listed as (MAF), APG 472. Analysis of domestic and international case studies emphasizing concepts and critical thinking around issues pertaining to coastal tourism, recreation, ecotourism, the history of tourism, and consumption. (Seminar)

MAF 475

Human Responses to Coastal Hazards and Disasters

(3 crs.) Examines the impact of hazards and disasters on human population inhabiting the coastal zone. Sets human adaptations to coastal hazards and disasters in an historical context. Extracts lessons learned for comparative analysis. (Lec. 3)

MAF 482

Quantitative Methods in Marine Affairs

(3 crs.) Introduction to descriptive and inferential statistics in geography and marine affairs. Emphasis on the spatial application of statistical tests with particular utility to the geographer and marine affairs students. (Lec. 3) Pre: STA 308 or STA 409 or permission of instructor.

MAF 484

Environmental Analysis and Policy in Coastal Management

(3 crs.) Analysis of environmental policy strategies as applied in federal and state coastal management programs. Emphasis on coastal environmental assessment and program evaluation techniques, hazards management, regulatory frameworks, and environmental ethics. (Lec. 3)

MAF 490

Field Experience In Marine Affairs

(3-6 crs.) Supervised undergraduate internship within an approved work setting designed to provide students with on-the-job experience relevant to their academic training and career goals. Students are responsible for securing internship positions and learning contract. (Practicum) Pre: permission of instructor, senior standing recommended. Not for graduate credit.

MAF 491

Special Problems

(3 crs.) Individual guidance in major readings and methods of research. (Independent Study) Pre: permission of chairperson.

MAF 492

Special Problems

(3 crs.) Individual guidance in major readings and methods of research. (Independent Study) Pre: permission of chairperson.

MAF 494

Cases In Marine Policy

(3 crs.) A single, current problem drawn from areas such as coastal management, ports, or fisheries is examined through detailed analysis of alternatives and decision processes. (Seminar) Pre: permission of instructor or chairperson.

MAF 496

International Development Seminar

(3 crs.) Seminar for advanced-level students interested in deepening their knowledge of global sustainable development challenges and solutions, focus on the global South. (Seminar) Pre: MAF 350/NRS 300 or permission of instructor.

MAF 499

Directed Study

(1-3 crs.) Individual research and reports on problems of special interest, including honors thesis research. (Independent Study) Pre: permission of instructor.

MAF 500

Race, Gender, Colonialism and Science

(3 crs.) Applies social science tools to the study of the practice of science (including ecology and marine science) as cultural phenomena. (Seminar) Pre: graduate standing.

MAF 502

Research Methods in Marine Affairs

(3 crs.) Emphasis on the application of alternative research methods utilized in a typical interdisciplinary study. Development of specific research projects. (Lec. 3) Pre: MAF 482 or permission of instructor.

MAF 510X

Doing Ethnography

(3 crs.) Introduces practical skills and theoretical underpinnings of ethnography. Students will gain hands-on experience with ethnographic field methods and prepare them to undertake an ethnographic research project independently. (Seminar) Pre: Graduate standing. Seniors may join the course with permission of the instructor.

MAF 511

Ocean Uses and Marine Sciences

(3 crs.) Introduction to selected ocean uses focusing on the interplay of public policy and marine science. Emphasis on policy implications of uses such as resource and energy extraction. (Lec. 3)

MAF 515

Marine Pollution Policy

(3 crs.) Introduction to management techniques for marine pollutants (biodegradable materials, nutrients, petroleum, metals, synthetic organics, radioactive materials, plastics, heat, and dredge spoils) with emphasis on strategies to limit environmental impacts. (Lec. 3) Pre: graduate standing only.

MAF 516

Seminar On The Urban Waterfront

(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (MAF), CPL 516. The urban environment and its evolution, structure, and function as it pertains to metropolitan waterfronts and small recreational harbors. Emphasis on the permitting process, public participation, marine recreation, and management issues. Field trip and student project required. (Seminar)

MAF 521

Coastal Zone Law

(3 crs.) Examination of the authority of different levels and agencies of government to make decisions affecting coastal regions. Survey of existing and proposed state and national legislation affecting coastal regions. (Lec. 3)

MAF 522

Seminar in Media and the Environment

(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (COM), MAF 522. Employs core concepts and theories of media studies in the analysis of environmental issues. Fulfills COM 520 requirement. (Seminar) Pre: Graduate standing or permission of instructor.

MAF 523

Fisheries Law and Management

(3 crs.) Examination of the relationship between law and fisheries policy on the international and national levels, law relating to fisheries, jurisdictional levels, function of law in implementing fisheries management policy. (Lec. 3)

MAF 526

Management of Marine Protected Areas

(3 crs.) Examination of ecological, political, legal and social factors in establishing and managing marine protected areas. Case studies of MPA efforts highlight interrelationships among interest groups, institutions, and legislation. (Lec. 3)

MAF 527

Marine Protected Areas: An Interdisciplinary Analysis

(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (MAF), NRS 527. Examination of the ecological, political, social, cultural, and economics factors influencing the use of MPAs (Lec. 3) Pre: permission of instructor.

MAF 531

Environmental Justice

(3 crs.) Exploration of how race, class, gender, nationality, and ethnicity shape environmental inequalities. Topics include occupational health hazards, environmental social movements, public health concerns, and contested use of natural resources. (Sem. 3) Pre: graduate standing or permission of instructor.

MAF 545

Environmental Thought and Behavior

(3 crs.) Introduction to environmental behavior, including factors such as values, knowledge, risk perceptions, and social pressure. Attention is given to the role of attitudes and values in coastal and marine management. (Lec. 3) Pre: Graduate standing or permission of instructor.

MAF 547

Political Ecology for Environmental & Life Sciences

(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (MAF), SAF, BES 547. This seminar gives graduate students in environmental and life sciences an interdisciplinary foundation in social science dimensions of their discipline(s) and topic(s) through introduction to the field of political ecology. (Seminar) Pre: Graduate standing. Seniors may join the course with permission of the instructor.

MAF 563

Maritime Transportation

Passenger and commodity transportation. Analysis of the relationship between transportation services and the spatial distribution of activities. Emphasis on multimodel transport and bulk commodities. (Lec. 3) Pre: Senior or graduate standing or permission of instructor.

MAF 564

Port Planning and Policy

(3 crs.) Examination of U.S. and international port issues. Special emphasis on port stakeholders, role of ports in society, and climate change challenges. Field trips and guest speakers. (Lec. 3)

MAF 570

Introduction to Ocean Governance

(3 crs.) This class covers the ‘ocean governance regime’ – the principles, norms, rules, and procedures that govern human activity in the ocean. Students will read, discuss, think, and write about contemporary issues in ocean governance, and form evidence-based opinions about the causes of and solutions to ocean problems. (Accelerated Online Program) Pre: Enrollment in Ocean Science & Policy Graduate Certificate Program.

MAF 577

International Ocean Law

(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (MAF), PSC 577. Principles of international law as they relate to ocean management problems. Jurisdiction in zones, such as territorial seas, exclusive economic zones, and the high seas will be examined, as well as the problems posed by zonal approaches to ocean-use management.

MAF 582

Coastal Ecosystem Governance

(3 crs.) This course links human impacts on coastal environments with existing or proposed governance solutions. Management regimes for individual sectors, coastal regions, and land/estuarine ecosystems are introduced and compared. (Seminar)

MAF 583

Quantitative Methods in Marine Affairs

(3 crs.) This is an introductory level statistics class that will help you gain knowledge and experience in statistical methodology. The class will emphasize practical applications as it relates to real life problems. Topics include a review of descriptive statistics and inference for one and two population means. Additional topics include introduction to chi-square tests, correlation analysis, simple and multiple linear regression, one and two-way analysis of variance, logistic regression, and some non-parametric procedures. (Lec. 3)

MAF 589

Master's Project Research

IND: (3 crs.) Preparation, including an oral presentation, of a major research project for M.M.A. students under the guidance of a graduate faculty member. (Independent Study) Pre: graduate standing in the M.M.A. program. S/U credit.

MAF 591

Directed Study or Research

(1-3 crs.) Areas of special research interest of graduate students. (Independent Study) Pre: permission of instructor.

MAF 592

Directed Study or Research

(1-3 crs.) Areas of special research interest of graduate students. (Independent Study) Pre: permission of instructor.

MAF 598

Master's Major Project for MAMA Students

(1-6 crs.) Independent project to meet the culminating experience requirement for M.A.M.A. students under the guidance of a graduate faculty member. (Independent Study) Pre: graduate standing in the M.A.M.A. program; permission of instructor. S/U credit.

MAF 599

Master's Thesis Research

Number of credits is determined each semester in consultation with the major professor or program committee. (Independent Study) S/U credit.

MAF 602

Federal Ocean Policy and Organization

(3 crs.) Ocean policy development and implementation by the executive and legislative branches of government. Allocation of powers and analysis of the decision-making process for the oceans. (Lec. 3)

MAF 650

Marine Affairs Doctoral Research Seminar

(1 cr.) This seminar gives MAF doctoral students opportunities to engage classmates and professors in conversations about the research process. Students will build their research community through leading and engaging in class discussions with fellow students and faculty. This course may be repeated for credit up to three times. (Seminar) Pre: Graduate standing and permission of instructor. S/U credit.

MAF 651

Marine Affairs Seminar

(3 crs.) Interdisciplinary seminar conducted by marine affairs program faculty supplemented by guest speakers form industry and government. Focuses on problems of marine resources development and management at the local, state, national and international policy levels. (Seminar)

MAF 699

Doctoral Dissertation Research

(1-12 crs.) Number of credits is determined each semester in consultation with the major professor or program committee. Maximum of 6 credits of 699 may be taken prior to completing approved dissertation proposal. (Independent Study) S/U credit.