Marine Affairs Ph.D.


The focus of the Ph.D. program is on coastal/ocean management, policy, and law and will concentrate on the following areas, which are not mutually exclusive:

  • Conservation
  • Ocean policy & law
  • Ocean Justice
  • Energy resources
  • Coastal communities
  • Ports and shipping
  • Climate adaptation and resilience
  • Fisheries & marine ecosystems
  • Spatial planning and management

The University of Rhode Island has a wide breadth of graduate marine programs, making available a wide variety of courses in different disciplines which could become part of a student’s program of study. This is a substantial source of strength for students in Marine Affairs and provides for a number of unique educational opportunities.

The Department of Marine Affairs is an interdisciplinary department, with a faculty educated in the fields of geography, political science, law, anthropology, environmental planning, and oceanography. It further draws upon the expertise of associated departments and programs such as the Departments of Environmental and Natural Resource Economics, Natural Resource Sciences, Political Science, Fisheries, Aquaculture, and Veterinary Science and Community Planning as well as the Graduate School of Oceanography.

The Ph.D. program in Marine Affairs is designed to serve the needs of individuals who will be working in government, research institutes, consulting, and academia.

Several assistantships are available for support of Ph.D. candidates during the anticipated two year period while students are completing course work. Students who want to be considered for financial aid should submit completed applications by December 1.