Annual Workshop Eligibility Information


Applications for the 2025 Fellowship is now OPEN!

Who is eligible to apply?

Metcalf Institute’s Annual Science Immersion Workshop is for full-time professional journalists who work in any medium or combination of media.

The Annual Workshop fellowship is designed for early- and mid-career journalists looking to start or expand coverage of climate change and/or who want to deepen their understanding of the practice of research and topics relating to climate change science, impacts, mitigation, adaptation, and justice. Applicants should aim to clearly demonstrate these specific needs in their application materials. The Metcalf Annual Workshop is designed to bolster Fellows’ understanding of the methods, norms, and culture of science to improve science-based reporting; therefore applicants do not need a science background. Applications are open to journalists working on general assignment, environment, climate change, health, business, finance, technology, policy, politics, and any other areas where climate change and energy may be reported as intersecting issues.

How are Fellows selected?

Among the criteria considered in the selection of Metcalf Fellows are the applicant’s expressed commitment to accurate, science-based coverage of environmental topics and editorial support for this professional development and possible publication/broadcast of the applicant’s environmental reporting after the fellowship. Editors may also apply. Metcalf Institute’s selection process strives to maximize diversity of each Annual Workshop class with regard to race and ethnicity, gender, ability, sexual orientation, medium, geography, and journalism experience.

Metcalf Institute strives to create a diverse Fellowship cohort; journalists of color are strongly encouraged to apply.

Important considerations for applicants:

  • The Metcalf Annual Workshop focuses on the science and policies underlying globally significant issues from a U.S. perspective. Metcalf Institute receives applications from journalists worldwide but journalists must be reporting for audiences in the United States and U.S. territories. 
  • Fellows must pay all travel expenses up front and will receive travel reimbursement ($500 max within continental U.S., $1000 max outside of continental U.S.). Lodging, meals and ground transportation during the in-person workshop are covered by Metcalf Institute.

View Recent Annual Science Immersion Workshops:
2023 |2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 20182017 2016 | 2015