While the comprehensive experience at Metcalf Institute’s Annual Science Immersion Workshop for Journalists is second to none, many journalists are not able to take a full week away from their work. To meet the need for ongoing professional development for journalists covering science-based stories, Metcalf Institute offers brief science seminars for journalists at locations around the country on pressing environmental topics, including climate change, oil spill research, and marine fisheries.
Developed to respond to the needs of specific audiences, the seminars feature environmental scientists, policy makers, and perspectives from a variety of relevant interest groups.
Climate Change and the News: Climate Science Seminars
These seminars bring Metcalf Institute’s renowned training opportunities to journalists across the nation to improve and expand news coverage of climate change. Seminars introduce journalists to the specific regional impacts of climate change, as well as the most critical – and often overlooked – local news hooks.
Peter B. Lord Seminars on the Environment
These free seminars are offered to journalists covering southern New England. The seminars are designed to increase news coverage of important environmental concerns facing Rhode Islanders by enhancing journalists’ understanding of the science behind the stories and introducing them to sources representing a wide variety of perspectives on each topic, including scientists and stakeholders from regulatory agencies, environmental advocates, community groups, and business interests.
Oil Spill Science
Metcalf Institute offered various workshops and seminars for journalists following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico 2010, the largest marine oil spill in history.