Emergency Response Planning

Effective emergency response planning to assist water systems serving up to 3,300 people in developing an Emergency Response Plan.

Emergency Response Planning Materials
This page contains the Emergency Response Guide, Emergency Response Plan, and a Vulnerability Assessment.

This page contains questions about the emergency response planning process.

This page contains resources for water suppliers in dealing with common emergencies and communicating with customers. 

This page contains information about current and past emergency planning response workshops.

About This Project
This page contains information and work done by the RI Department of Health and URI as well as links to additional resources.

More information is available on the websites of our partners.

RI Department of Health (HEALTH

RI Department of Environmental Management

RI Emergency Management Agency

RI Water & Wastewater Agency Response Network (RI WARN)

Atlantic States Rural Water & Wastewater Association

University of Rhode Island Coastal Institute:  RI Climate Change