Regulatory Rain Garden Factsheet, Maintenance Checklists, and Guidance

A detailed but user-friendly 6-page factsheet covering all aspects of maintenance for anyone caring for a rain garden.

  • Recommendations for maintenance by season
  • Special care for new rain gardens
  • Weekly and monthly checklist for owners or landscapers to track maintenance activities
  • Illustrated troubleshooting tips
  • List of additional resources

Just the basic “to-do” list for routine maintenance. 

  • Formatted for use by municipal staff, landscapers and others to document maintenance activities, particularly for raingardens installed to meet State and municipal stormwater management requirements.
  • Maintenance items are placed in order of importance with the most frequent and essential tasks listed first; others performed annually, after large storms or as needed follow.
  • Space for comments is prioritized to ensure communication between field staff and managers.
  • Provides an editable template for use by municipalities, designers, and others to customize for any rain garden based on inspection forms currently in use.

Companion to the Regulatory Rain Garden Checklist

  • For owners, maintenance supervisors, crew leaders, landscape contractors, and others to understand more about rain garden function and maintenance at a glance.
  • Provides recommended maintenance schedule and troubleshooting tips.
  • Easily customized for new rain gardens.
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