Colleen Bichajian

Location: Rhode Island/URI, USA

Level of Training: 

(Level I – 2013 & 2023)
(Level 2.5 – 2019)


My background is in health promotions for nonprofit organizations such as Rhode College Outreach, Dystonia Research & Medical Foundation, and the American Lung Association. I’m most proud of the many special event fundraisers I have successfully organized for causes near and dear to my heart, in addition to participating in legislative networks that have made a difference. At a very early age I was deeply bothered by war and composed a letter to President Nixon requesting guns be replaced with sports equipment. This seemed perfectly logical to a seven year old. I never received a reply. However, I have continued to maintain hope that “Peace is Possible” and one day resolutions will be reached without weapons. I’m super excited to renew my knowledge in current nonviolent movements and obtain new skills to incorporate in future endeavors.