Dr. Ashaq Malik

Location: India

Levels of Training:

(Level I – 2018) & (Level II – 2023)


The 2018 Stookey Family Scholarship


Dr. Mohammad Ashaq Malik has been engaged in peace and development works for past 20 years. Between 2003 to 2008, he served for about 30 development organizations including a dozen UN offices/organizations including UNDP Syria, UNV Vietnam, UNHCR Egypt, UNV Angola, UNDP Georgia, UNDP Burkina Faso, UNDP West Indies, UNDP Laos PDR, UNV Germany, UNV Afghanistan, UN Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea(UNMEE) – as an online volunteer and was recipient of online volunteer of year award from United Nations Volunteers (Germany) in 2005, perhaps first or second Indian to get this prestigious award.

In 2010, he established voluntary NGO Attitude Change International and engaged, both formally and informally, in promotion and introduction of Peace education in curricula of Jammu and Kashmir. He is life member of/ associated with about 3 dozen scientific and development organizations/societies, including Red Cross, Gandhi Peace Foundation, Nepal, Amnesty International, Rotary International etc. He is also closely associated with URI’s Centre for nonviolence and Peace Studies since 2018 and attained his Kingian Nonviolence training four times with Level–II certification.

Contact Information: ashaqraza@gmail.com