Thupten Tendhar

  • Co-Director
  • Center for Nonviolence & Peace Studies
  • Email:
  • Office Location: Multicultural Student Service Center 202


Thupten Tendar, PhD is a Level 3 Kingian Nonviolence trainer. Born of Tibetan parents, he joined Drepung Loseling Monastery in South India at age 12, where he studied for over 18 years, earning the respected doctoral level Geshe degree in Buddhist Philosophy. He received his Masters of Arts in Education and completed his PhD in Education with a dissertation focusing on Compassion and Inner Peace. He teaches a course, “Tibetan Buddhism–Journey to Nirvana” for the URI Honors Program. He is the coordinator of the annual International Nonviolence Summer Institute.

Thupten believes in the power of a flourishing smile, and has dedicated his life to promoting compassion for individual and universal peace. The Center has recently published Thupten’s first book of poetry, Peace – Rhythm of My Heart.