Capstone Experience

A career in natural resources requires the ability to synthesize knowledge from a diverse range of sources. Students will have a significant opportunity to develop this skill during their capstone experience. For some, the Senior Thesis will serve as a capstone learning experience. In their senior year, all other students will be required to complete at least 4 credits of capstone synthesis courses from one of the following three focus areas:

Wetland, Watershed & Ecosystem Science

  • NRS 423, Wetland Ecology (4 credits)
  • NRS 424, Wetlands and Land Use (4 credits)
  • NRS 425, Wetland Field Investigations (1 credit)
  • NRS 461, Hydrology and Water Management (4 credits)
  • NRS 522, Advanced GIS Analysis of Environmental Data (3 credits)
  • NRS 523, Applications of GIS in Environmental Problem Solving (1 credit)

Wildlife and Conservation Biology

  • NRS 402, Wildlife Biometrics (3 credits)
  • NRS 403, Problem Solving Using Wildlife Biometrics (1 credit)
  • NRS 405, Wetland Wildlife Field Investigations (1 credit)
  • NRS 406, Wetland Wildlife (3 credits)
  • NRS 538, Physiological Ecology of Wild Terrestrial Vertebrates (3 credits)
  • NRS 539, Physiological Ecology Field Investigations (1 credit)

Soil Science

  • NRS 450, Soil Conservation and Land Use (3 credits)
  • NRS 451, Investigations in Soil Conservation and Land Use (1 credit)