Graham Forrester

  • Chair, Professor
  • Department of Natural Resources Science
  • Phone: 401.874.7054
  • Email:
  • Office Location: Coastal Institute, Office #114


Dr. Forrester’s general interest is in the ecology of populations occupying aquatic environments. There are two main themes of his research: (1) to further conceptual understanding of natural populations, and (2) to apply these concepts to environmental problems in innovative ways. His work is typically field-based, and he takes an experimental and quantitative approach to answering questions that are motivated by the rapidly developing theory for these systems. Dr. Forrester’s research is done in a variety of habitats and on different organisms, depending on the questions being asked. Mostly, though, he works on fish and invertebrates that live on coral and rocky reefs, as well as in streams and estuaries.


Ph.D., The University of New Hampshire, Zoology, 1992
MSc, University of Sydney, Zoology, 1988
BSc, University of Wales, Zoology, 1985

Selected Publications

  1. Mclean, E. L. and G. E. Forrester. 2018. Comparing fishers’ and scientific estimates of size-at-maturity and maximum body size as indicators for potential overfishing. Ecological Applications 28:668-680.
  2. Kutcher, T. E., and G. E. Forrester. 2018. Evaluating how variants of floristic quality assessment indicate wetland condition. Journal of Environmental Management 217:231-239.
  3. Forrester, G. E, N. Chan, D. Conetta, R. Dauksis, K. Nickles, A. Siravo. 2019. Comparing the Efficiency of Nursery and Direct Transplanting Methods for Restoring Endangered Corals. Ecological restoration, 37:81-89.
  4. Flynn, R. L., and G. E. Forrester. 2019. Boat anchoring contributes substantially to coral reef degradation in the British Virgin Islands. Peerj 7:e7010.
  5. Forrester, G. E., E. Chille, K. Nickles, and K. Reed. 2019. Behavioral mechanisms underlying parasite-mediated competition for refuges in a coral reef fish. Scientific Reports 9:15487.
  6. Forrester, G. E. 2020. The influence of boat moorings on anchoring and potential anchor damage to coral reefs. Ocean & Coastal Management 198:105354.
  7. Forrester, G., K. Dzilenski, and D. Gleeson. 2021. Use of social-media networking to facilitate a grass-roots lionfish removal program in the British Virgin Islands. Management of Biological Invasions 12.

Full publication list at Google Scholar