Arthur J. Gold

  • Professor Emeritus
  • Department of Natural Resources Science
  • Email:
  • Office Location: Coastal Institute, Office #107


Ph.D., Department of Agricultural Engineering. Michigan State University, 1983
M.S., Water Resources. The University of Michigan. 1978
University of Michigan Biological Station. Summer field courses. 1972, 1975-1977.
B.S., Natural Resources (Naturalist). 1973

Selected Publications

Recent publications (2014- June 2018)

  1. Addy, K., A. J. Gold, J.A. **Loffredo, A.W. Schroth, S.P. Inamdar, W.B. Bowden, D.Q, Kellogg and F. Brigand. . Accepted for publication. Stream response to an extreme drought-induced defoliation event. Biogeochemistry
  2. Shimidzu, M., E.A. Wentz, J. Merson, D.W. Kellogg and A.J. Gold. 2018. Modeling anthropogenic nitrogen flow in the Niantic River Catchment in coastal New England. Landscape Ecology. 13 pages.
  3. Uchida, E., S.K. Swallow, A.J. Gold, J. Opaluch, A. *Kafle, N.H. *Merrill, C. *Micaud, C.A. *Gill. 2018. Integrating Watershed Hydrology and Economics to Establish a Local Market for Water Quality Improvement: A Field Experiment. Ecological Economics. 146:17-25
  4. Kaushal, S.S., A.J. Gold, P.M. Mayer. 2017. Land use, climate and water resources – global stages of interaction. Water. 9, 815; doi:10.3390/w9100815
  5. *Chambers, B., S. M. Pradhanang and A. J. Gold. 2017. Climate change induced thermal stress in coldwater fish habitat using SWAT. Water.
  6. *Chambers, B., S. M. Pradhanang and A. J. Gold. 2017. Assessing thermally stressful events in a Rhode Island coldwater fish habitat using SWAT model. Water. 9, 667. doi:10.3390/w9090667
  7. *Vaughan, M. C. H., W. B. Bowden, J. B. Shanley, A. Vermilyea, R. *Sleeper, A. J. Gold, S. Pradhanang et al. 2017. High‐frequency dissolved organic carbon and nitrate measurements reveal differences in storm hysteresis and loading in relation to land cover and seasonality.” Water Resources Research. 53, doi:10.1002/2017WR020491.
  8. *McNally, C. G., A. J. Gold, R. B. Pollnac, and H. Kiwango. 2016. Stakeholder perceptions of ecosystem services of the Wami River and Estuary. Ecology and Society 21(3):34.
  9. Gold, A.J., K. Addy, A. Morrison and *M. Simpson. 2016. Will dam removal increase nitrogen flux to estuaries? Water. 8:522-538. doi:10.3390/w8110522
  10. *Cui, Z., C. Welty, A.J. Gold, P.M. Groffman, S.S. Kaushal, A.J. Miller. 2016. Use of a three-dimensional reactive solute transport model for evaluation of bioreactor placement in stream restoration. J. Environ. Quality. 45:839-846.
  11. Addy, K.A., A.J. Gold, L. Christianson; M. David, L. Schipper and *N. Sacha. 2016. Denitrifying bioreactors for nitrate removal: A meta-analysis. J. Environ. Quality. 45:873-881.
  12. *Morrison, A., A.J. Gold and M. Pelletier. 2016. Evaluating key watershed components of low flow regimes in New England streams. J. Environ. Quality. 45:1021-1028.
  13. *Lazar, J.G., K. Addy, A. J. Gold and P. M. Groffman, R.A. McKinney and D.Q. Kellogg. 2015. Beaver Ponds: Resurgent nitrogen sinks for rural watersheds in the Northeastern U.S.A. Journal of Environmental Quality. 44:1684-1693.
  14. *Lazar, J.G., M. **Welsh, K. Addy, A. J. Gold and P. M. Groffman. 2014. Resurgent Beaver Ponds in the Northeastern U.S. Implications for Greenhouse Gas Emissions. 2014. Journal of Environmental Quality. 43:1844-1852
  15. *Lazar, J.G., A.J. Gold, K. Addy, P.M Mayer, K.J. Forshay, and P.M Groffman. 2014. Instream Large Wood: Denitrification Hotspots with Low N2O Production. J. American Water Resources Association. 50:615-625.
  16. *Zhou, Y., Y.Q. Wang, A.J. Gold, P.V. August and T.B. Boving. 2014. Assessing impact of urban impervious surface on watershed hydrology using distributed object-oriented simulation and spatial regression. GeoJournal. 79:155-166.

* Graduate Student Author; **Undergraduate Student Author

Google Scholar link


Professor Gold entered into phased retirement in July 2021 and is no longer accepting M.S. or Ph.D. students. He is fully engaged in URI research, education, and extension during Fall 2021 and Fall 2022.

  • NRS 200, Seminar In Natural Resources (1), offered each Fall
  • NRS 461, Watershed Hydrology and Management (4), offered each Fall
  • EVS 501 Development of Learning Outcomes for MESM. (1) Offered each Fall.