The NEOWTP provides training and maintains an Inspector Registry for any professional who successfully completes NEOWTP conventional onsite wastewater system inspection training and examination. This two day training class with classroom and field work is now required by several RI towns in order to gain approval by the town to inspect conventional OWTS within their jurisdiction. Additionally, the NEOWTP provides training (based on a peer-reviewed national service provider curriculum) and maintains an Innovative & Alternative (I&A) Service Provider Registry for innovative and alternative system service providers. Registered providers are required in select jurisdictions to perform RIDEM-required operation and maintenance on I&A Systems.
How do I become a licensed conventional OWTS inspector in RI?
Rhode Island does not currently have a licensing program for onsite wastewater treatment system (OWTS) inspectors. However, a number of Rhode Island communities have adopted wastewater management ordinances that require the regular inspection of OWTS by a Town approved professional, many of which require training through the New England Onsite Wastewater Training Program (NEOWTP). For those professionals working in areas that are currently without a specific ordinance, properly trained practitioners are expected to have a competitive advantage and a thorough knowledge of conventional OWTS is strongly encouraged for both new and returning inspectors.

NEOWTP provides intensive training in the area of conventional onsite wastewater treatment system inspection, covering materials in the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (RIDEM) “Septic System Checkup: the RI Handbook for Inspection” and including field work with inspections at private residences during a two-day class held at the University of Rhode Island in Kingston and the NEOWT Center located nearby at the University’s Peckham Farm. Following completion of the course, registrants may take an examination to demonstrate successful completion of the training curriculum. Upon passing the examination, registrants will be added to an Onsite Wastewater System Inspector Registry, managed by the NEOWTP. The registry is also made available by the RIDEM OWTS Professional Licensing Program. The vast majority of RI Towns with OWTS management programs use the registry to include inspectors in their Town approved list of inspectors.
How do I register for the conventional onsite wastewater treatment system inspection training?
Interested professionals should view the NEOWTP class schedule to see dates and times for the course. In order to take the exam and qualify for the registry, you must register for INSP 100A, Conventional Onsite Wastewater System Inspection, and INSP 100B, Conventional Onsite Wastewater System Inspection Field Training. Those participants who take and pass the exam are entered into the registry. INSP 100 is offered annually and is usually scheduled in late spring. Registrants may also choose to take INSP 100A or INSP 100B for continuing education credits only without exam and subsequent registry.
Can you tell me more about INSP 100 classroom and field work?
During the first day of class, attendees will be in the classroom learning about onsite wastewater systems, inspection techniques, and general safety issues. We also include instruction on the proper use of tools of the inspection trade and recognizing typical substandard systems. The second day of class will begin with a hands-on review at our Training Center at Peckham Farm, followed by field visits to local homes to conduct inspections using the standardized RI state inspection procedures and inspection reports discussed during the first day of class. Written and field practical examinations are given at the Training Center following completion of INSP 100A and INSP 100B.

How do I become a licensed inspector in MA?
Massachusetts practitioners must complete Massachusetts Title 5 Training and Certification through the New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission (NEIWPCC) in order to become a licensed System Inspector in Massachusetts, however, INSP 100A and INSP 100B are approved for continuing education credits for license renewal in MA.

How do I become a registered I&A onsite wastewater treatment system service provider?
Innovative and alternative (I&A; also referred to as Advanced) onsite wastewater treatment systems (OWTS) require regular operation and maintenance visits in order to function as designed and/or to meet certain treatment goals. Advanced OWTS service providers are professionals that have the necessary training to successfully operate such systems. The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (RIDEM) requires all I&A systems to have an operation and maintenance contract and some Rhode Island communities have adopted wastewater management ordinances that require maintenance to be performed by a Town approved professional, many of which require training through the New England Onsite Wastewater Training Program (NEOWTP).
NEOWTP offers training courses in the area of I&A systems operation & maintenance, covering materials consistent with the National Operation and Maintenance Service Provider Program developed by the Consortium of Institutes for Decentralized Wastewater Treatment (CIDWT) during an intensive two day classroom training. Following completion of the course, registrants may take an examination to demonstrate successful completion of the training curriculum. Upon passing the examination, registrants will be added to an Operation and Maintenance Service Providers for Innovative and Alternative Onsite Wastewater System Technologies Registry, managed by the NEOWTP and made available by the RIDEM Office of Water Resources.
Please note, the registry does not to serve as an endorsement of any particular practitioners, only to serve as a registry of those who have successfully completed the training curriculum.
How do I register for the I&A onsite wastewater treatment system service provider training class?
Interested professionals should view the NEOWTP class schedule to see dates and times for the course. In order to take the exam and qualify for the registry, you must register for both INSP 200A and INSP 200B, Innovative and Alternative Systems Service Provider Program. Additionally, although these are not prerequisites, we very strongly recommend attending OWT 105 and INSP 100 (or have similar professional experience) before taking the INSP 200 course exam. Registrants who do not pass the exam must retake the two-day class before retaking the exam.
Can you tell me more about INSP 200 classroom training?
This is an intensive course involving two full days of class work with homework, followed by a separately scheduled examination. Topics will include inspecting and maintaining primary treatment and recirculating tanks; all RI-approved advanced treatment systems and soil treatment area options; timers, controls, event counters and meters; pumps and discharge assemblies; dosing intervals; and safety issues.
Is my service provider training applicable in other states?
Onsite system service providers are professionals that have the necessary training to successfully operate I&A systems and NEOWTP training is consistent with the National Operation and Maintenance Service Provider Program developed through the Consortium of Institutes for Decentralized Wastewater Treatment (CIDWT). However, states may have individual requirements for service providers and any registrant seeking recognition outside of Rhode Island should check with their local onsite wastewater regulator for specific training requirements.