Alessandro Tomasi

  • Instructor
  • Philosophy: Swan 142
  • Phone: 401.874.2418
  • Email:
  • Office Location: Dept of Philosophy
    142 Swan Hall
    Kingston, RI 02881


Dr. Tomasi received his Ph.D. at the New School University, New York, and has been teaching at the University of Rhode Island since 1998. His areas of interest are the philosophy of technology and continental philosophy. At URI, he has taught a variety of courses: Phl 212, Ethics; Phl 103, Introduction to Philosophy; RLS 131, Asian Philosophy and Religion; Phl 101 Critical Thinking; Phl 217, Social Philosophy.


20th Century Continental Philosophy and Philosophy of Technology. Areas of Competence: Ethics, Social and Political Philosophy, Asian Philosophy, World Religions, Aesthetics, Ancient and Modern Philosophy, Logic (informal).


  • Ph.D., New School University, New York, NY, 2006
  • M.A., New School for Social Research, New York, NY, 1999
  • M.A., Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA, 1992
  • B.A., Christopher Newport University, Newport News, VA, 1991

Selected Publications

Tecnologia e intimita. Per una nuova idea di progresso, ETS Edizioni, Collana Mefisto, Pisa 2013. ISBN-10: 8846735374. ISBN-13: 978-8846735379.

“A Run for your [Techno]self,” in Handbook of Research on Technoself: Identity in a Technological Society, ed. Rocci Luppicini. IGI Global, 2013, ch.7, pp.123-136.

“Technological Paradigm in Ancient Taoism,” Techne: Research in Philosophy and Technology, Volume 13, Number 3, Fall 2009. Co-author: George Teschner.

“Technology from the Standpoint of Sunyata,” Asian Philosophy, Volume 18, Issue 3, November 2008, pages 197-212.

“The Role of Intimacy in the Evolution of Technology,” Journal of Evolution and Technology, Vol.17, Issue 1, January 2008, pp.1-12.

“Technology and Intimacy in the Philosophy of Georges Bataille,” Human Studies, December 2007, Vol.30, Number 4, pp.411-428.

“Nihilism and Creativity in the Philosophy of Nietzsche,” Minerva, Vol.11, 2007.