Department of Physics

East Hall, 2 Lippitt Road, Kingston, RI 02881


Think Big, We Do.
Rhode Island Seal

B.S. in Physics

The Bachelor of Science in Physics curriculum provides a general background in both theoretical and experimental physics. Initiative, independent solution of laboratory problems, and research are encouraged in the advanced laboratory courses.

In addition to the major, students are encouraged to use the large block of elective credits to develop a program of study as a minor (18 credits) in applied or interdisciplinary fields.


Completion of 120 credits and all course requirements are required for graduation with the B.S. in Physics degree. PHY 483 and 484 are the program’s capstone courses. For details, please refer to the curriculum sheets for the B.S. in Physics. Exceptions and/or substitutions are possible and can be arranged by consulting the department chairperson.


The B.S. in Physics program forms a  foundation for graduate study toward an advanced degree, and prepares you for a professional career as a physicist in industry or government.

For more information about the B.S. in Physics program, contact Professor David R. Heskett, undergraduate program director.

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