Department of Physics

East Hall, 2 Lippitt Road, Kingston, RI 02881


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Rhode Island Seal

PHY 575: Introduction to Quantum Computing


Please note that exact details of the course can vary

 Semester: Spring

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: PHY451 or Graduate Standing in Physics

Catalog Description: Qubits and their physical realization. Entanglement and Bell states. Quantum gates and circuits. Quantum algorithms: searches, factoring, Fourier transforms. Quantum information theory with applications to teleportation and cryptography. Physical applications.

Course Goals & Outcomes

Upon completion, successful students will be able to:

  • Apply the formalism of quantum theory to describe key concepts in quantum computing, including qubits, entanglement, decoherence, quantum gates, circuits, algorithms, and basic features of physical realizations
  • Further develop critical thinking and problem solving skills
  • Begin independent study of quantum computing literature with a solid foundation

Course Description

This course meets 2 times per week for lecture.
Topics covered in this course include:

  • Review of quantum mechanics relevant for quantum computing
  • Classical vs. quantum information and elementary units: Bits and qubits
  • Bloch sphere and qubit rotations; quantum gates and circuits
  • Entanglement and Bell states, mixed states, density operator, applications of entanglement
  • Errors, decoherence, and correction/mitigation approaches
  • Physical implementations of quantum information processing
  • Tasks for quantum computers: Quantum algorithms, quantum simulation

Contact Information

Please check eCampus for the professor in charge for the current semester.

LEC: (3 crs.) Qubits and their physical realization. Entanglement and Bell states. Quantum gates and circuits. Quantum algorithms: searches, factoring, Fourier transforms. Quantum information theory with applications to teleportation and cryptography. Physical applications. (Lec. 3) Pre: PHY451 or Graduate Standing in Physics

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