Credit by Credential

The University of Rhode Island awards credit for certain education, training, certificates, and licenses that are acquired outside of a formal accredited college or university as long as they were taught at the college-level. If you have prior learning experiences from the workforce, a certificate, apprenticeship, training, or licensure, you may qualify to earn college credit at URI.

Determinations on credits awarded for industry credentials are made by URI Faculty subject matter experts in consultation with recommendations published by the American Council on Education and the National College Credit Recommendation Service. To earn credit for any credentials or trainings listed below, students should provide their official credential, transcript, or certificate of completion, to their Dean’s Office for posting of credit.

The following credentials have been pre-evaluated for URI credit:

Certifications & Trainings

Credential or Training NameIssuing OrganizationCourse Equivalencies
American Sign Language Level 1A CertificationPerspectives CorporationASL 1XX (2 credits)
Certified Personal Trainer (CPT)National Academy of Sports MedicineKIN 1XX (2 credits)
Certified Postsecondary Instructor (CPI)National Center for Competency TestingEDC 102 (3 credits)
EMT Certification (166 hours)URI in partnership with Windward Consulting CHS 491 (3 credits)
Integrative Nutrition Health Coach CertificationInstitute for Integrative NutritionHLT 1XX (3 credits)
KIN 123 (3 credits)
NUT 1XX (3 credits)
Total = 9 credits total
R.I. Gold Seal of BiliteracyRhode Island High Schools200-level Incentive Credit (3-4 credits)
R.I. Silver Seal of BiliteracyRhode Island High Schools100-level Incentive Credit (3-4 credits)
Registered Behavior TechnicianVariousPSY 3XX (4 credits)
Registered Cardiovascular Invasive Specialist (RCIS)Cardiovascular Credentialing InternationalKIN 2XX (3 credits)
Sexual Assault Victim Advocate TrainingU.S. Coast Guard AcademyGWS 365 (3 credits)
Six Sigma Green BeltVariousSCA 410 (3 credits)
Six Sigma Yellow BeltVariousSCA 359 (3 credits)
Teaching Assistant (TA)Rhode Island Department of EducationEDC 102 (3 credits)


ApprenticeshipCourse Equivalencies
RINLA Horticultural & Landscape Technician Apprenticeship (Level 1)PLS 150 (3 credits)
PLS 399 (3 credits)
PLS 1XX (3 credits)
Total = 9 credits total
RINLA Horticultural & Landscape Technician Apprenticeship (Level 2)PLS 150 (3 credits)
PLS 306 (4 credits)
PLS 399 (3 credits)
PLS 1XX (3 credits)
Total = 13 credits total

Other Extra-Institutional Learning

Organization NameCourse Equivalencies
Center for Financial TrainingSee course code CFTA under "American Council on Education" in the Transfer Evaluation System
Sophia Learning, LLC.See course code SOPH under "American Council on Education" in the Transfer Evaluation System
StraighterlineSee course code OOSL under "American Council on Education" in the Transfer Evaluation System
Study.comSee course code SDCM under "American Council on Education" in the Transfer Evaluation System
Year UpSee course code YRUP under "American Council on Education" in the Transfer Evaluation System
A ship’s crew prepares an underwater drone.

What if my credential is not on the list?

Connect with the Coordinator for Prior Learning to request an evaluation by URI.

EVALUATE MY Credential