About the Provost

Barbara E. Wolfe became URI’s Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs in January 2023 (see full announcement).
Dr. Wolfe is an internationally recognized expert on psychiatric and mental health nursing and eating disorders, and previously served as dean of the URI College of Nursing from 2016 to spring 2023.
read bio welcome message from the provostRoles and Responsibilities
The Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs serves as URI’s Chief Academic Officer, and has overall responsibility for:
- Enhancing and ensuring quality teaching and learning,
- Promoting engaged research, scholarship, and creative work, and
- Supporting transparency, shared governance, and meaningful service and outreach within the University and beyond.
Academic Priorities
- Advancing Interdisciplinary Learning and Discovery across the University
- Ensuring Student Access, Affordability, and Academic Success
- Strategic Allocation of Resources and Faculty Excellence
- Global Partnerships and International Programs
- Active e-Learning via Technology-enhanced Pedagogy and Online Programs