
~800undergraduate majors
~60graduate students
~29full-time faculty
students in a group consultation

Degrees Offered

Certificate Programs

Affiliated Programs

Our Mission Is…

  • To generate knowledge of basic psychological processes and contextual influences on psychological and physical functioning,
  • To apply knowledge to promote health and welfare in a pluralistic society by enhancing the functioning of individuals and social systems,
  • To translate knowledge into science based programs policies and professional practices responsive to societal needs, and
  • To transmit knowledge through educational programs, which inform individual development, provide understanding of human behavior, and prepare scientist-practitioners to become future leaders and innovators.
  • In the accomplishment of this mission we…
  • Value the fundamental rights, dignity, and worth of all people, while achieving our goal to create a climate of understanding and respect among diverse individuals,
  • Respect cultural, individual, and role differences, due to age, gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, language, and socioeconomic status,
  • Commit to fostering and integrating multiculturalism at both a didactic and personal level, and
  • Promote conflict resolution in a just and responsible fashion that avoids or minimizes harm while respecting the rights of all individuals.

Commitment to Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Justice (JEDI)