Bachelor Of Arts (B.A.) / Bachelor Of Science (B.S.) In Psychology


The URI Psychology department offers both a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) and a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree in Psychology. Both degree options expose you to a range of specialized areas in the field, provide a foundation of core knowledge about human behavior and psychological functioning, offer avenues for experiential learning, and foster an understanding of scientific methodology. The B.A. and B.S. programs prepare you for multiple professional careers in psychology, graduate study options in psychology and other social sciences, and other career paths.

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

  • Focuses on understanding various
    dimensions of human behavior and
    psychological functioning
  • Curriculum provides maximal flexibility in choosing Psychology interests; also provides more flexibility to study other disciplines
  • Encourages various avenues for experiential learning (e.g., internships, teaching or
    research apprenticeships, etc.)
  • Prepares you for multiple career and/or advanced/graduate study options in Psychology or other social sciences
Goals & Learning Outcomes

Bachelor of Science (B.S.)

  • Focuses on understanding how to create new knowledge in Psychology using scientifically derived methods
  • Curriculum has a greater emphasis on math and research methods; also is more structured
  • Requires involvement in hands-on
    research experience
  • Prepares you for advanced/ graduate study options in Psychology and other
    social sciences